About game : Dyson is a real-time strategy video game developed by indie developers Alex May, Rudolf Kremers and Brian Grainger. It was named after the Dyson tree hypothesis by Freeman Dyson that a tree-like plant could grow on a comet.
Dyson is a very plain, minimalistic game that is based on little creatures called seedlings. At the start of the game, the player has one tree and a limited amount of seedlings circling the home asteroid. The player's trees grow during the game and make flowers, which fall off and become seedlings. The player is granted a certain number of trees depending on the level and "fertility" to make the game slightly harder for more experienced players. To create trees, 10 seedlings are needed in orbit of an asteroid, which then plummet into the ground to grow grass and the trees' roots. A line shoots down and moves to the "core" of the asteroid, while a short burst of music plays and a small plant is born. A plant may also be grown that attacks invading enemy seedlings by releasing explosive fruit. There are many types of seedlings depending on the asteroid, with three factors determining their stats. These factors include energy, strength, and speed. These factors also change its size and shape. The size of the body represents durability/life, the size of the wings represents speed while the size of the sting represents attack power/damage done. Flowers which occasionally grow on mature trees can be planted to enhance either a dyson tree or a defence tree. Enhanced dyson trees produce seedlings with a longer attack range, while enhanced defence trees produce a large triangular seedling, which is slow but powerful against enemy seedlings. It can also be used for offence.