Chapter 1: Evelyn Byers
- Pick up the keys on the newspaper.
- Click on the tombstone in the lower left.
- Pick up the statue piece on the lower right side of the scene.
- Place the statue piece on the foot of the statue.
- Click on the glowing list in the lower right and a set of tasks will appear on the right side of the screen.
- Pick up the key at the base of the statue.
- Click on the glowing map in the lower right corner.
- Click on the sparkly house in the back of the scene for a closer look.
- Click on the door for a closer look at the lock.
- Insert the key into the lock to enter the house.
- Find all the items on the list.
- Pick up the bag that falls in the middle of the floor after all the items have been found.
- Click on the map icon in the lower right.
Chapter 2: Eleanor Dumay
Tombstone Puzzle
- Click on the glowing tombstone in the lower left for a closer view.
- Click on the glowing bag on the left side of the tombstone to obtain the jigsaw pieces.
- Drag the pieces into the silhouette of the tombstone.
- You can click on the pieces while they are in the inventory tray to rotate them.
- When a piece is in the right spot, it will lock itself in.
- Please look at the screenshot for the solution.
Find the 3 Aces Carved on the Tombstone
- The items you will be asked to find in the tombstones will vary with each game.
- The 3 aces are highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- The 3 poison bottles are highlighted in yellow in the screenshot.
- Pick up the key from the hand that appears from the ground.
- Click on the map icon to enter your next location.
- Click on the glowing house in the left for a closer view.
- Click on the door for a closer look and insert the key into the lock.
- Find all the items on the list.
- Pick up the bag that appears after all the items have been found.
- Click on the map icon in the lower right.
- Click on the church on the left for a closer view.
- Click on the ghostly figure sitting in the pew.
- The little girl gives you a pocket watch to keep track of the time.
- Click on the map icon in the lower right.
Chapter 3: Elfrod Rodger Rice
Tombstone Puzzle
- Click on the glowing tombstone on the right for a closer view.
- Click on the glowing bag to access the puzzle pieces.
- Please look at the screenshot for the solution.
Find 3 Ice Picks
- The 3 ice picks are in yellow in the screenshot.
- The 3 snow shoes are in green.
- Pick up the key that appears at the bottom of the tombstone.
- Click on map icon in the lower right.
- Click on glowing house on the far right for a closer view.
Find Flies
- The 6 flies are highlighted in the screenshot.
- Click on the door to enter the house .
- Click on the glowing barrels in the lower right to enter a Hidden Object scene.
- Find the items on the list.
- Click on the back door after all the items have been found.
- Click on the photo on the shelf.
Spot the Differences
- Please look at the screenshot for a random solution.
- Click on the bag that falls in the scene after all the items have been found.
- Click on the map icon in the lower right.
Chapter 4: A.C. Robertfield
Tombstone Puzzle
- Click on the tombstone on the left for a closer view.
- Please look at the screenshot for the solution.
Find 4 Dynamite Sticks
- The 4 dynamite sticks are highlighted in red in the screenshot.
Find Flies
- Click on the house on the left.
- There are only 3 flies in the screenshot since I had one hint left over from the last game I played.
Hidden Object Scene
Chapter 5: James Harringpost
Tombstone Puzzle
- Click on the glowing tombstone on the right for a closer view.
- Please look at the screenshot for the solution.
Find 4 Bullets
- The bullets are highlighted in red in the screenshot.
Find the Flies
- Click on the house on the left for a closer view.
Hidden Object Scene
- Click on the sparkly chest against the wall.
- Find the Items on the list.
- Click on the sparkly door in the back of the scene.
- Click on the photo on the small table.
Spot the Differences
- Please look at the screenshot for the solution.
- Click on the church on the left.
- Click on the ghostly figure in the pew and listen to what she has to say.
Chapter 6: Rosa May
Tombstone Puzzle
- Click on the sparkly tombstone.
- Please look at the screenshot for the solution.
Find the 4 Hats Carved on the Tombstone
- The hats are highlighted in red in the screenshot.
Find the Flies
- Click on house on the left for a closer view.
Hidden Object Scene
Chapter 7: Ralph Johnson
Tombstone Puzzle
- Click on the tombstone in the lower left corner.
- Please look at the screenshot for the solution.
Find 4 Knives
- The knives are highlighted in red in the screenshot.
Find the Flies
- Click on the sparkly house for a closer view.
- The flies we found are highlighted in the screenshot.
- Find all the items on the list.
Chapter 8: Carson Wood
Tombstone Puzzle
- Click on the tombstone in the lower center.
- Please look at the screenshot for the solution.
Find 4 Wheelbarrows/ 4 Boots
- The wheelbarrows are highlighted in red in the screenshot.
- The boots are highlighted in yellow.
Find the Flies
- Click on the house on the far right.
- Look for the flies on the scene so you can earn some extra hints.
Hidden Object Scene
- Find all the items on the list.
- Click on the door to enter the next scene.
- Click on the photo on the table for a closer view.
Spot the Differences
- All the differences are marked in yellow in the screenshot.
- Click on the church for a closer view.
- Click on the girl on the pew.
Chapter 9: Thomas Galor
Tombstone Puzzle
- Click on the tombstone in the lower right.
- Please look at the screenshot for the solution.
Find 4 Spades
- The spades are highlighted in yellow in the screenshot.
Find the Flies
- Click on the sparkly house in the center of the field.
Hidden Object Scene
Chapter 10: Nancy Dupree
Tombstone Puzzle
- Click on the sparkly tombstone on the left.
- Please look at the screenshot for the solution to the puzzle.
Find 4 Nooses
- The nooses are circled in yellow in the screenshot.
Find the Flies
- Click on the house on the right for a closer view.
Hidden Object Scene
Chapter 11: Emmit Perry
Tombstone Puzzle
- Click on the tombstone on the left for a closer view.
- Please look at the screenshot for the solution.
Find 4 Lanterns
- The lanterns are highlighted in yellow in the screenshot.
Find the Flies
- Click on the house in the center of the scene.
Hidden Object Scene
- Find the items on the list.
- Go through the door once all the items have been found.
- Click on the photo on the floor.
Spot the Differences
- Please look at the screenshot for the solution.
Chapter 12: Charlie Duncan
Tombstone Puzzle
- Click on the glowing tombstone in the lower left side.
- Please look at the screenshot for the solution.
Find 4 Chalices
- The chalices are highlighted in yellow in the screenshot.
Find the Flies
- Click on the sparkly house on the left.
Hidden Object Scene
- Click on the church on the left.
- Click on the little girl sitting in the pew.
Chapter 13: J. R. Cassidy
Tombstone Puzzle
- Click on the tombstone in the lower right.
- Please look at the screenshot for the solution.
Find 4 Pickaxes
- The pickaxes are highlighted in red in the screenshot.
Find the Flies
- Click on the sparkly house in the back of the scene for a closer view.
Chapter 14: Washoe Pete
Last Scene
- In this section you will go into several locations. You will be asked to find 3 random items in each location.
- This screenshot will show you the location of the parchment, the candlestick, and the oil lamp.
- This screenshot will show you the location of the scissors, the antique sword, and the pitchfork.
- This screenshot will show you the location of the cowboy boot, the padlock, and the oil can.
- Click on the back wall for a closer view.
- Click on the pickaxe.
- Click on the church for a closer view.
- Click on the man sitting on the pew.
Tombstone Puzzle
- Click on the tombstone in the lower right.
- Please look at the screenshot for the solution.
- Click on the key after the tombstone puzzle has been solved.
- Click on the vehicle on the right side of the road.
- Watch the ending scenes.