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Nancy Drew: Trail of the Twister (walkthrough included)

Nancy Drew: Trail of the Twister
Tornado is one of the most terrible natural disasters in the world. It doesn’t leave anything alive, it destroys all on its way! Oklahoma is one the places, where tornado is the most frequent. Her Interactive has issued the next game in Nancy Drew series – “Nancy Drew: Trail of the Twister”. The game is made in logical hidden object genre and it’s main task is to find the formulae of tornado. Join the party of tornado hunters in unforgettable trip to Oklahoma! They need your help, because the devices they are working with cause very serious problems! There lives can be in danger! In the kitty of competition is a pretty penny - $100,000,000!
Is it just bad luck that's plaguing the storm chasers or is someone sabotaging their chances of winning in Nancy Drew: Trail of the Twister?
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