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Secrets of the Dragon Wheel - Walkthrough

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel - Walkthrough

Chapter 1 – Istanbul

Train Car (Paris to Istanbul)

Click on the first man on the right (cyan). He’s appears to be sleeping and poking him won’t wake him. Click back (magenta).

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the second man on the right (cyan). He’s bleeding; it looks like he's been shot. When you try to speak to him, he runs away.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the first man; click on him again. He’s been stabbed. Click on the Suitcase (cyan) for an Object Search.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find the items in the list. When complete, click on the Broken Candy Cane and Note (yellow) to add them to your Notebook, and click on the 4 Matches (green) and Revolver (red) to add them to your Inventory.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Istanbul Train Station

Inside the train station, you can move either forward or to the left (magenta). Click Bonus Item #1 (green), then click forward to the Imperial Majestic train car.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Speak to the Guard (cyan) but he won’t let you on the train car unless you’re a member of His Imperial Majesty’s party. Click forward (cyan) to the Vending Machines.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

There’s a Firecracker vending machine on the right, but you can’t do anything, yet. Click on the Ticket vending machine, on the left. Pick up the 25 Kuros Coin (green) in the return slot, select it from your Inventory, put the coin in the vending slot (cyan), click on the green button (yellow) below the Blue Ticket, then pick up the Blue Ticket (red). Click back twice, then right to go outside.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Outside The Train Station

You see the man Caines leaving in a car. Pick up the Note (green) to find Professor Lunn’s address. You don’t have a Red Ticket to get on the Red Tram (Bazaar), but you do have a Blue Ticket. Click forward to get on the Blue Tram (Hagia Sophia) and find Professor Lunn.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Professor Lunn’s Apartment

You arrive just as Caines is leaving. Click on Bonus Item #2 (green), then click on the Door (cyan). Click twice to enter the Apartment.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

It’s dark. Use a Match (green) from Inventory on the Lantern.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

You can click on the painting (cyan), but you can’t do anything yet. Click left (magenta) to go to the desk.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Professor Lunn lies dying from a gunshot wound. After you speak with him, click on the desk (cyan) to start your next object search.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find the items in the list. When complete, click on the Passport (yellow) to add it to your Notebook, and click on the Hammer (green) to add it to your Inventory.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the Painting, then use the Hammer (green) from your Inventory on the Bricks. Open your Notebook to find Professor Lunn’s birthdate (magenta), which is the combination to the safe - 01/22/71 (Holy Cow! Is that 1971 or 1871? He looked either good for his age, or very bad). Using the arrows (yellow), above and below each number, enter the combination. Click on the Handle (cyan) to open the safe. Click on the Coins and Chang’s Business Card, to add them to your Inventory and Notebook, respectively. Click back, 3 times.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Train Station

Click forward, twice, to the Vending Machines and click on the Ticket Machine, on the left. Select the 3 coins (green) from Inventory, put them in the vending slot (cyan), click on the green button (yellow) below the Red Ticket, then pick up the Red Ticket (red). Click back twice, then right to go outside.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Outside The Train Station

Click left (magenta) to get on the Red Tram to go to the Bazaar.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Istanbul Bazaar

Click forward to enter Chang’s Storefront.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Chang’s Storefront

Click on Bonus Item #3 (green), click on the unresponsive Moroccan (yellow), then click on the table (cyan) for your next object search.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find 12 masks (cyan).

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Open your Notebook and look at the design on Chang’s Business Card, then click on the table to start a Minigame.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click once at any point on the outer design, then move your cursor (don’t hold down mouse button) and trace around it until you’re back at the starting point.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click once, at any point on the inner design, then repeat as for the first path.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click forward to enter the Chamber of Curios

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Chamber of Curios

Click on Huang (cyan) to talk to him.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

He’s not sure you’re safe, so you’ll need to persuade him. This starts a Puzzle. The object is to click on the tiles, beginning at 1 and ending at 5. Each time you click on a numbered tile, it flips over to reveal part of a picture and furthers your persuasive dialog. Once you click on a tile, you can only click on an adjacent tile and you can’t click on a tile you’ve already flipped. See the following screenshot for the solution. Start at 1 (cyan) then follow the arrows (yellow) and click on the tiles until you reach 5.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

A cage lowers from the ceiling; click on Mr. Chang (cyan) to talk to him. In order for him to trust you, you’re going to have to prove yourself and Find all the parts of a relic. Click on the Case (red) to start your next Object Search.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find the 10 parts of the Scroll.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

When complete, click on Mr. Chang, again. This starts your next Minigame. Assemble the Ancient Scroll of Songs. Match the pegs on the end of pieces to the correct holes on the other pieces. Click on one, then click on any other piece to switch places. Note: you can’t move the top or bottom pieces. Once all the pieces are placed correctly, click on the Assemble button (red). See the following screenshots for the solution.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

As you progress in the game, you’ll need to find 9 Jade Boxes, containing 9 Jade Emblems. You now have the Scroll of Songs added to the right of your Notebook. Click on the area that the Scroll is hovering over (1), then click on the Map Table (2), to start your next Object Search.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find the items in the list. When you find the Jade Box, click on it to open, then click on the Jade Emblem. When complete, Jade Infinity Symbol (green) to add it to the Scroll, and click on the Flamo Bottle and the Pocket Knife (red) to add them to your Inventory.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Huang says he’ll be on board the Imperial Majestic; click on the Glyph (cyan) to add it to Inventory. Once you’re back at the Train Station, you’ll need to find a way to distract the guard, so you can sneak on board the Imperial Majestic.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Train Station

Click forward twice, to the Vending Machines. Use the Pocket Knife (green) on the Panel at the right side of the Firecracker Vending Machine.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the opened Panel to start a Minigame. You need to remove all the fuses in a continuous path. Click on a fuse to remove it, then click on the next illuminated fuse to remove it. Continue until you remove all of the fuses, or your path comes to a dead end. Click on the Reset Button (red), to start over. See the following screenshots for a solution. Note: there are other solutions.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on Firecrackers, in the vending slot (cyan), to add them to Inventory

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Use the Firecrackers (green), then use a Match (red) the Garbage Bin (yellow).

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click to sneak onto the train.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Chapter 2 – The Imperial Majestic

Use the Glyph (green) on the Compartment Door, then click forward to enter the Baggage Compartment.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Baggage Compartment

Use a Match (green) on the Lantern, then click on the Trunk (cyan) for an Object Search.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find the items in the list. When complete, click on the Photo (yellow) to add it to your Notebook, and click on the Screwdriver (red) to add it to your Inventory.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click forward to start a Puzzle.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

You need to lead Epiphany through the Maze, from the bottom right to the top left. Click on the green arrow to move her in the direction of the arrow. See the following screenshots for the solution.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Use the Screwdriver on each of the 4 screws.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click forward to enter the Caboose.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click on the Shelves at the right (1) for an Object Search. Note the other items and areas in the room

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find the items in the list. When you find the Jade Box, click on it to open, then click on the Jade Emblem. When complete, click on the Jade Moon Symbol (green) to add it to the Scroll, and click on the Stone Wheel, the 3 Blue Crystal Pegs and the Sun Emblem (red) to add them to your Inventory. Note the pattern of blue crystals on the Scroll.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the Crest (2). Note the other items and areas in the room. Use the Sun Emblem on the center of the Crest to start a Minigame. Click on pairs of tiles to illuminate them. When complete, the door to the Observatory will open, but don’t go through, yet.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the Winch (3). It’s not working; one of the links is broken. Click back, twice, to go to the Balcony.


It’s an ancient Dragon Cannon. Click on the gear (cyan) and the Nozzle (yellow) to add them to your Inventory. Click on Bonus Item #4 (green). Click left (magenta) to go back to the Caboose. Click forward to go to the Observatory.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


You need to find some way to lower the stairs. Solve the puzzle by clicking the red lights, on the Device (1). See the following screenshot for the solution. Click up (2) to go upstairs.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the Bonus Item #5 (green). Click on the Panel (1), but it’s missing 2 power cells. Click on the Guard (2) for an Object Search.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find the items in the list. When complete, click on the Ancient Cog and 3 Blue Crystal Pegs (red) to add them to your Inventory.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Front of the Observatory Car

Click back, then forward to the Front of the Car. Note the Statue with the missing eye (1) and the Locked Door (2). Click on the Trigger (red) to add it to Inventory; it will combine with the Flamo Bottle and Trigger to make a Blow Torch. Click back, twice, to the Caboose.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click on the Winch and use the Blowtorch (green) on the Broken Link.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the repaired Winch (cyan) and a hatch on the right opens up. Click right (1) to look at the Dragon Wheel.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

The Dragon Wheel

Use the Bronze Cog and the 2 Stone Cogs (green) on the Dragon Wheel. It starts up, then stops. Click on the Key (yellow) to add it to your Inventory.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Front of the Observatory Car

Click back, then click forward, twice, to the Front of the Car. Use Key (green) on the Locked Door. Click forward to the Bar.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

The Bar

After a short conversation with the Bartender, you begin a Puzzle. The object is to click on the tiles, beginning at 1 and ending at 5. Each time you click on a numbered tile, it flips over to reveal part of a picture and furthers your persuasive dialog. Once you click on a tile, you can only click on an adjacent tile and you can’t click on a tile you’ve already flipped. See the following screenshot for the solution. Start at 1 (cyan) then follow the arrows (yellow) and click on the tiles until you reach 5.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

The Bartender agrees not to let Caines know you’re on the train, but asks you to cook something for the guards. If you do, he’ll give you part of the Dragon Wheel. Click on the Red Crystal Peg (yellow), click on Bonus Item #6 (green) and check out the Aquarium (1) and the Compartment (2). Both have items you’ll need, but you can’t get them yet. Click left, to go to the Kitchen.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Make note of the Window (1), but you can’t do anything here. Click on the Ingredients (2) for an Object Search.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find the items in the list. When complete, click on the Ingredients (red) to add them to your Inventory, and click on the Recipe to add it to your Notebook.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the Stove (3) to prepare Snail Soup, otherwise known as a Minigame. Check your Notebook for the Recipe and the exact steps required to prepare it. See the following for the instructions and a screenshot. Click back to return to the Bar.

  • Click on Stove Control (1) to turn on the heat
  • Click on the Milk (2), then the Pot (3)
  • Click on the Salt (4), then the Bowl (5)
  • Click on the Flour (6), then the Bowl (5)
  • Click on the Whisk (7), then the Bowl (5)
  • Click on the Bowl (5), then the Pot (3)
  • Click on the Olive Oil (8), then the Pan (9)
  • Click on the Cabbage (10), then on the Cutting Board (11)
  • Click on the Chopped Cabbage (10), then the Pan (9)
  • Click on the Onion (12), then the Cutting Board (11)
  • Click on the Chopped Onion (12), then the Pan (9)
  • Click on the Snails (13), then the Pan (9)
  • Click on the Spoon (14), then the Pan (9)
  • Click on the Pan (9), then the Pot (3)

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click on the Bartender, then click on the Ornate Stone Plate (red) to add it to your Inventory. Click back, three times, to the Caboose, then click right to the Dragon Wheel.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

The Dragon Wheel

Use the Ornate Stone Plate (green) on the Dragon Wheel. Look at the Scroll and use the diagram to place the Blue Crystal Pegs (yellow), onto the Stone Plate. Click back once, then click forward, three times to go back to the Bar.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click on the Bartender, then click on the Sedatives (red) to add them to your Inventory. Click left to go to the Kitchen

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click on the Window (3). Use the Sedatives (green) on the Bottle, then click on the Bottle. Click back, then click forward to the Dining Room.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Dining Room

Click on the Red Crystal Peg (1) to add to your Inventory, click on Bonus Item #7 (2), then click on the Table (3) for an Object Search.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find the items in the list. When you find the Jade Box, click on it to open, then click on the Jade Emblem. When complete, click on the Jade Hand Symbol (green) to add it to the Scroll and click on the 3 Red Crystal Pegs (red) to add them to your Inventory. Note the pattern of red crystals shown on the Scroll. Click forward to the Hall.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


You meet Huang; he suggests you check the Lab for more clues. Click on the Red Crystal Peg (1); you can’t access the Bedroom (2) or the Closet (3); they’re both locked. Click left to go into the Lab (4).

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click on the Diagram (1) and Bonus Item #8 (green). You can’t use the Science Machine (2) yet; it’s missing a part. Click on the Shelves (3) for an Object Search.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find the items in the list. When complete, click on the Golden Fish, Statue Eye and 2 pieces of the Ornate Stone Plate (red) to add them to your Inventory. Click on the Cupboard (4); click on the piece of the Ornate Stone Plate to add it to your Inventory. Click back, 3 times, to return to the Bar.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click on the Compartment (1) and Use the Golden Fish (green) in the empty space. Click on the piece of Ornate Stone Plate (red) to add it to your Inventory. Click back, to the Front of the Observatory Car.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Front of the Observatory Car

Click on Statue and use the piece of the Stone Face (green) on the Statue. Click on the piece of Ornate Stone Plate (red). Click back, twice, to the Caboose.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

The Dragon Wheel

Click right to the Dragon Wheel to start a Puzzle. Reassemble the left half of the Ornate Stone Plate, from the 5 pieces. They don’t need to be rotated.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Use the assembled Ornate Stone Plate (green) on the Dragon Wheel. Look at the Scroll and use the diagram to place the Red Crystal Pegs (yellow) onto the Stone Plate. Click back to the Caboose.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Just as you close the cover to the Dragon Wheel, you’re caught by one of the guards.


Click on Bonus Item #9 (1); you can’t open the Door (2) yet. Click on the Cupboard (3) and click on the Power Cell to add it to your Inventory. Click on the Rug (4) to open the Trapdoor and start a Puzzle.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

To unlock the Trapdoor you need to slide the bars away from the sides of the lock. See the following screenshots for the complete solution.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the Key (magenta) to add it to your Inventory.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the Desk Drawer (5) and use the Key (green) to start an Object Search.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find the items in the list. When you find the Jade Box, click on it to open, then click on the Jade Emblem. When complete, click on the Jade Star Symbol (green) to add it to the Scroll and click on the Hairpin (red) to add it to your Inventory.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the Door (2) to start a Minigame. The object is to move the tumblers to unlock the door. Move the Hairpin in and out, and move it around in a circular motion. The best way is to start with the Hairpin in one position (in or out), then move it around in a complete circle. If you’re close to the tumbler, the wheel (cyan) will start to vibrate. The faster it vibrates, the closer you are to the correct spot. When you see a white star (green), click in that spot. Repeat 2 more times. There isn’t one solution for this puzzle, but there’s an example of a correct position in the following screenshot.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click right to the Hallway, then back, 5 times, to the Caboose. Click on the Emergency Brake, to the left of the door. A Note (red) from Caines says he removed the Lever and put it in the Closet, in the Hallway. Click forward, 4 times, to return to the Dining Room.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Dining Room

Click on the Aquarium (red) to add a Fish to your Inventory. Click back to return to the Bar.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click on the Aquarium and use the Fish (green). The Fighting Fish will fight to the death; click on the Science Machine Part to add it to your Inventory. Click forward, twice, to the Hallway, then click left into the Lab.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click on the Science Machine and use the Part (green) on the Machine for a Puzzle.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Follow the chart (green) and place the correct colored ingredients (Note the symbols on each jar of chemical) in the 3 slots on left (white). When you have your chemicals in the Machine, press the red button (blue). Remove the result and place it in one of the 4 slots (magenta) in front of the Machine. If you make a mistake, you can put the chemical in the waste can (black) on the right. You need to create 2 orange and 1 purple compounds then use those to make the Acid for the lock on the Closet in the Hallway. When you’re finished, pick up the Acid then click back to return to the Hallway.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click on middle door and use Acid (green) on the Lock. Click left to enter the Closet

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click where the Scroll indicates (green), to turn on the light for an Object Search.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find the items in the list. When you find the Jade Box, click on it to open, then click on the Jade Emblem. When complete, click on the Jade Bird Symbol (green) to add it to the Scroll and click on the Brake Lever (red) to add it to your Inventory. Note the spider and the 8 symbols shown on the Scroll.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click back, 5 times, to return to Caboose and use the Brake Lever (green) on the Emergency Brake.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Chapter 3 – The Village

Click on the Caboose (1) and note that it’s rusty. You can’t do anything at the Hut (3) or the Mountain (4). Click right (2) and go to the Restaurant to start an Object Search.

Secrets of the Dragon WheelJustify Full


Find the items in the list. When complete, click on the Oil Can (red) to add it to your Inventory.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

You have a brief conversation with Vlado, but he’ll need to be persuaded to give you any information. This starts a Puzzle. The object is to click on the tiles, beginning at 1 and ending at 5. Each time you click on a numbered tile, it flips over to reveal part of a picture, and furthers your persuasive dialog. Once you click on a tile, you can only click on an adjacent tile and you can’t click on a tile you’ve already flipped. See the following screenshot for the solution. Start at 1 (cyan) then follow the arrows (yellow) and click on the tiles until you reach 5.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Vlado says you need to talk to Nonna Yoblonko, but you may need some Smelling Salts to wake her up. Click on the Smelling Salts (cyan) to add them to your Inventory then click back to exit the Restaurant.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click forward (3) to go the Hut. Click on the Cannonball (cyan) to add it to your Inventory, then click forward, twice, to enter the Hut.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click on Bonus Item #10 (green), then click on the Table (1).

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Take the miniature Terra Cotta Soldier (red) to add it to your Inventory, then click on Nonna (2).

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Use Smelling Salts (green) on Nonna Yoblonko. She wants you to make her some Strawberry Tea before she’ll speak with you. Click back to return to the Garden.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click on the Flower Bed (yellow) to start an Object Search. Find the items in the list. When complete, click on the click on the Ingredients (red) to add them to your Inventory. Click forward to return to the Hut.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click on the Kitchen (yellow) to prepare Strawberry Tea, otherwise known as a Minigame. See the following for the instructions and a screenshot.

  • Click on Stove Handle (1) to turn on the heat
  • Click on the Pump (2)
  • Click on the Lid (3)
  • Click on the Kettle (4), then the Stove (5)
  • Click on the Berries (6), then the Mortar (7)
  • Click on the Roots (8), then the Mortar (7)
  • Click on the Leaves (9), then the Mortar (7)
  • Click on the Pestle (10), then the Mortar (7)
  • Click on the Mortar (7), then the Infuser (11)
  • Click on the Infuser (11), then the Cup (12)
  • Click on the Kettle (4), then the Cup (12)
  • Click on the Infuser (11)
  • Click on the Honey (13), then the Cup (12)
  • Click on the Spoon (14), then the Cup (12)

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on Nonna, use the Cup (green) then take the Locket (yellow) to add it to your Inventory. Click back, twice; click on the Caboose (1).

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Dragon Cannon

Use the Oil Can (green), the Cannonball (yellow) then the Match (red), on the Dragon Cannon.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

The Mountain

Click forward (4) to the Mountain; click on the Mouth of the Cave (cyan).

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Use the Locket (green) on the Door; click forward to enter the Cave.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Mountain Cave

Click on the Pedestal (cyan).

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Use miniature Terra Cotta Soldier (green) on tableau

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the Engraving (cyan) for an Object Search.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find the items in the list. When complete, click on the 3 Tablets and the Golden Disk (red) to add them to your Inventory.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click where the Scroll indicates (cyan) to light up the Pedestal on the right.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the Pedestal for a Puzzle.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Use the Golden Disk (green) on the empty spot.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Look at the Scroll and use the Spider diagram to rotate the symbols into the correct positions. Once they’re in the correct positions, they will turn green. Some of the Symbols rotate others and it takes 4 clicks to rotate a Symbol back to its starting position. See the following screenshot for a diagram; click on the link for a video solution.

  • 1 doesn’t rotate any other
  • 2 also rotates 5
  • 3 also rotates 6
  • 4 doesn’t rotate any other
  • 5 also rotates 2
  • 6 doesn’t rotate any other
  • 7 also rotates 4
  • 8 also rotates 2

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the Jade Box to add the Jade Wheel Symbol to the Scroll. Click back, twice, then click right to go back to the Imperial Majestic

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Chapter 4 – To Shaanxi

Click on the door to add a note from Huang to your Notebook. Click on the Shelves (cyan) for an Object Search

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find the items in the list. When complete, click on the Flash Powder (red) to add it to your Inventory. Click forward, x times, to the Greenhouse.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


The Clock (1) is missing one of the Brass Weights, but you can get Bonus Item #11 (green). Click back to the Greenhouse.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the Plants (2), for an Object Search. Find the items in the list. When complete, click on the Fertilizer (red) to add it to your Inventory.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click forward to the Strange Hallway, but you can’t get past the Guards. Click back, 3 times; click left to Kitchen. Find the items in the list. When complete, click on the Hot Peppers (red) to add them to your Inventory. Click back, forward twice, then click left into the Lab.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click on the Science Machine, for a Minigame. Follow the same procedures as when you made the Acid. Follow the chart (green) and place the correct ingredients (Note the symbols on each container) in the 3 slots on left (white). When you have your chemicals in the Machine, press the red button (blue). Remove the result and place it in one of the 4 slots (magenta) in front of the Machine. If you make a mistake, you can put the chemical in the waste can (black) on the right. You need to create 1 yellow, 1 purple and 1 pink compound then use those to make the Knockout Bomb for the Guards in the Secret Hallway. When you’re finished, pick up the Knockout Bomb to add it to your Inventory. Click back, then click forward, twice, to the Strange Hallway.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Use the Knockout Bomb (green) on the Guards (cyan). Click left into the Berth.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click on the Lights in the shape of a cane; it’s missing 2 bulbs. Click back to the Hallway.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Strange Hallway

The other door (cyan) is welded shut; click forward.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

The Theatre

The Theatre is dark, click forward to the Emperor’s Shrine.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

The Emperor’s Shrine

You speak to the Emperor, but get no response. Click forward to the Emperor’s Chamber.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

The Emperor’s Chamber

The Emperor is dead and his hand’s been cut off. Click on the Note (cyan) to add it to your Notebook. Click back, twice, to the Theatre.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

The Theatre

Click on the Stage (cyan) for an Object Search.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find the items in the list. When you find the Jade Box, click on it to open, then click on the Jade Emblem. When complete, click on the Jade Tree Symbol (green) to add it to the Scroll, and click on the Brass Weight (red) to add it to your Inventory. In the Scroll, note the Dragon Turtle with the strange pattern on its shell. Click back, twice, to return to the Greenhouse.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the Clock and use the Brass Weight (green).

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Look at your Notebook and the Note you found with the Emperor: 430. Use the arrows, on the weights, to move the clock hands to 430. The weight on the right (yellow), moves the hour hand (small) and the weight on the left (cyan) moves the minute hand (large). The face of the Clock opens; take the Red and White Orbs (blue) to add to your Inventory. Click forward, once, to return to the Hallway; click left into the Berth.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click on the Lights and use the Red and White Orbs in the empty spaces.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


A compartment opens; click forward, twice, to the Bath. Click on the Typewriter (cyan) to add Caines note to your Notebook. Click on the Wall Panel (blue).

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the Stage to start a Puzzle. Click on the rings to align the slots so the pins will go all the way to the center, and all 4 quadrants light up. The outer ring moves on its own, the middle ring also moves the outer ring and the center ring moves all 3 rings. See the following screenshot for a diagram; click on the link for a video solution (Note: the video has a solution, but it’s not a direct solution. I was rushed, so I just clicked randomly until I completed the puzzle). Click on the Power Cell (magenta) to add it to your Inventory.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Upstairs Observatory

Click back, 9 times, to return to the Observatory, then click to go Upstairs. Click on the Telescope and use the Power Cells (green). Click on the Sliders for a Puzzle.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Open your Notebook and look at the Note you found in the Bath. Click on the circles to move them in and out until all 3 lights, on the right, are lit.

phase 1: click on all the symbols “light on dark” and move them in; click on all the symbols “dark on light” and move them out.

phase 2: click on all the symbols with straight lines and move them in; click on all the symbols with curved lines and move out.

phase 3: click on all the symbols that have only one part and move in; click on all the symbols that have 2 parts and move out.

See the following screenshot for a diagram; click on the link for a video solution.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Front of Observatory Car

Click back, the forward to the Front of the Car. Click up, on the now open lower section of Telescope.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click up to sit in the Seat.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the Telescope for an Object Search.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find the items in the list. When complete, a compartment opens

Click on the Jade Leaf Symbol to add it to the Scroll. Note the pattern show. Click on the 5 Tablets to add them to you Inventory.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Dragon Wheel

Click back, 4 times, to return to the Caboose, then click right on the Dragon Wheel. Open the Scroll and switch the symbols so they match the diagram. Click back.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Chapter 5 – The End of the Line

Click forward, 6 times, to the Greenhouse, then click on the Plants (1) for an Object Search.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find the items in the list. When complete, click on the Trowel (red) to add it to your Inventory.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the Tile (2); use the Trowel (green) to lift the Tile. Click on the Switch.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click forward, twice, to the Theatre. Click on Bonus Item #13 (green), then click on the Stage for an Object Search.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find the items in the list. When complete, click on the Fire Extinguisher (red) to add it to your Inventory. Click back, 3 times, to the Closet.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find the items in the list. When complete, click on the Valve (red) to add it to your Inventory.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click forward, 4 times to the Emperor’s Shrine and use the Fire Extinguisher (green) on the fire.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click forward to the Secret Area.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click left into the Secret Lab (1). Note: The Door (2) is locked and the Train Controls (3) are missing some parts.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on Bonus Item #13 (green), then click on the Shelves (1) for an Object Search. Note: The Tubes (2) are missing a part.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find the items in the list. When you find the Jade Box, click on it to open, then click on the Jade Emblem. When complete, click on the Jade Fish Symbol (green) to add it to the Scroll, and click on the Circuit Board (red) to add it to your Inventory.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the Tubes (2) for a Puzzle. Use the Circuit Board (green) on the slot.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the Arrows (red) to move the Symbols (cyan) so all 3 symbols are the same. Click on the Open button (blue), to open the Tube (yellow). Repeat until you find one Tube that isn’t empty (magenta). Click on the Hand (red) to add it to your Inventory. Click back

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the Door (2) and use the Hand (green). Click right into the Treasure Room for an Object Search.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find the items in the list. When you find the Jade Box, click on it to open, then click on the Jade Emblem. When complete, click on the Jade Triangle Symbol (green) to add it to the Scroll, and click on the Urn Button (red) to add it/them to your Inventory. Click on the Urn (cyan) and use the Urn Button (green).

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Use the Urn Button (green).

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Open the Scroll, click the left button 3 times, and look at the pattern on the Dragon Turtle. Click on the round buttons, beginning with #1 (green), following the line (white) and ending at the last button (red). As you click on them, they will light up. Click on the White Stone Yang and the Black Stone Yin (red) to add them to your Inventory. Click back.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click back and you’re confronted by Caines. Click back, 10 times, to the Caboose. Use the Black Stone Yin (green) and the White Stone Yang (yellow) on the Dragon Wheel. Click back.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Caines is attacked by the Terra Cotta Soldier; click on the Side Door (magenta), where the Scroll indicates, and they both fall out. Click left.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click on the Bullets (cyan) to add them to your Inventory. Click back to return to the Caboose.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Dining Room

Click forward, x times, to the Dining Room and click on the Leftovers (cyan) for an Object Search

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Find the items in the list. When complete, click on the Dragon Emblem #1 (red) to add it to your Inventory. Click forward.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click left into the Lab (first door) then click on the Shelves (on the right) for an Object Search. Find the items in the list. When complete, click on the Dragon Emblem #2 (red) to add it to your Inventory. Click back.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click left (last door) into the Bedroom. Click on the Desk (on the left) for an Object Search. Find the items in the list. When complete, click on the Dragon Emblem #3 (red) to add it to your Inventory. Click right.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Train Controls

Click forward, 6 times, to the Train Controls. Use the Dragon Symbols (green) to start a Minigame. The object is to repeat the pattern of Dragon Symbols that light up. Click on the first Dragon Symbol with the flashing eyes, to start. You’ll play 4 rounds, which are always the same.

  • Round 1: click on 1 then 2
  • Round 2: click on 1, then 2 twice
  • Round 3: click on 1, then 2 twice, then 3
  • Round 4: click on 1, then 2 twice, then 3, then 4

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


Click back, 11 times, to the Caboose, then forward again to the Observatory for a Minigame. Shoot all 8 couplings to disconnect the Caboose from the rest of the Train.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel

Click left, then click forward to jump into Huang’s jeep.

Secrets of the Dragon Wheel


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