Hidden object game Big City Adventure: New York City is rather a lot like Manhattan itself: very large and with an overwhelming number of things to see and do. It can be a bit aggravating at times, but what trip to the Big Apple isn't?
After touring San Francisco and Sydney, your family has decided to take in the sights of New York City, hitting hot spots like Wall Street, Chinatown, Little Italy, and Harlem. At each stop, you'll scan the area for a list of hidden items. At least two of the items will be hidden in special areas that you'll have to zoom in on to search, but both the special spot and the objects are indicated in blue, so that you're not left searching in vain. The items are well hidden, but never unfairly, so a keen eye and patience will spell success. Hint coins will help you through those moments when you're just plain stumped; you can only hold five at a time, but when your supply drops, a fresh batch will be hidden in your next location.
You can also use Fast Forward hints, which highlight several objects at once, letting you clear an area more speedily. Time coins add either two or five minutes to your time to either give you more breathing room or just bump up your point score when the round is complete. You can only hold so many of each coin, and if your coffers are full, the only coins you'll find will be bonus points, but who doesn't love a nice fat score? Read more...