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Build-a-lot: The Elizabethan Era Walkthrough

•The first three levels only serve as a tutorial, so they are left out of this walkthrough.
•All of the levels are randomized. This means that a level might look different if you play it twice or even more often, but your basic situation does not change. There will be the same houses and the same amount of empty lots if you replay a level, only the arrangement changes. Be aware of this when you look at the screenshots in this walkthrough for help. It might look different, but basically it is exactly the same level.
Level 4 - Goals: Own 2 Cottages, own 1 Cob, rental income of £4,500. Build a cottage and a cob simultaneously. Build a second cottage. Upgrade both cottages to one star. Order 100 materials. Upgrade one cottage to a second star.
Level 5 - Goals: Restore 1 rundown house, own 1 Cottage upgraded with 2 stars, own 1 Cob upgraded with 2 stars, neighborhood happiness of +5. Restore your rundown cottage. Build a cob. Upgrade your cob and your cottage to 2 stars. Buy the rundown cob when it is up for sale and restore it.
Level 6 - Goals: Own 3 Cottages, rental income of £7,000, own one 2-star Cob. Restore your rundown cob. Build two cottages. Buy an empty lot as soon as possible. Build a third cottage. Upgrade your cob to 2 stars. Upgrade all of your three cottages to 2 stars.
Level 7 - Goals: Employ 4 workers, own 1 Crop Farm, £150,000 in cash. Train a worker. Respond to the food infestation. Build a crop farm. Build a cottage. Sell your cottage and your cob. Build a cob and sell it.
Level 8 - Goals: Own 1 Windmill, own 3 Cobs, own 1 Crop Farm upgraded with 1 star, neighborhood happiness +15. Build a cob. Build a crop farm. Buy an empty plot. Build two cobs. Train a farmer. Upgrade the crop farm to 1 star. Buy another empty plot. Sell your cottage. Build a windmill. Upgrade 1 cob to 1 star, 1 cob to 2 stars, and 1 cob to 3 stars to reach the happiness goal.
Level 9 - Goals: Own 3 Tudors upgraded with 2 stars, demolish 2 houses, employ 5 workers, rental income of £10,000. Demolish three rundown houses. Train 1 worker. Build three tudors. Sell a cob. Buy 500 materials. Upgrade three tudors to 2 stars.
Level 10 - Goals: Own 1 Workshop, employ 7 workers, no empty lots in the neighborhood, neighborhood happiness of +25. Build a workshop. Sell your cottage and your tudor. Buy rundown houses whenever possible and restore them. Build two cobs on your empty lots. Buy the other two empty lots as soon as possible. Build two more cobs. Train 3 workers. Upgrade six of your houses to 3 stars.
Level 11 - Goals: Own 1 Pub, own 2 Tudors upgraded with 2 stars, £200,000 in cash, happiness of +40. Build a tudor and sell it. Buy the rundown cob as soon as possible. Build two tudors. Upgrade your two tudors to 3 stars. Train 1 worker. Buy an empty plot when it is up for sale. Build a pub. Upgrade your cob to 3 stars. Restore your rundown cob and upgrade it to 3 stars, too. Buy two cobs with low ball offers. Upgrade those two cobs to 3 stars. Sell one cob. Buy a cottage and upgrade it to 2 stars. Sell the three remaining 3-star cobs to gather the required amount of money.
Level 12 - Goals: Own 1 Stone Mason, own 3 stone walled Cobs, no rundown houses in the neighborhood, own one 2-star Crop Farm. Restore your rundown buildings. Sell a cob and a tudor. Build a stone mason. Buy all rundown houses and restore them. When you have three cobs, add stone walls to all of them. Build a crop farm. Train two farmers. Upgrade the crop farm with 2 stars.
Level 13 - Goals: Own 3 stone walled Cottages, own two 2-star Tudors, no sick workers, money: £250,000. Restore both cottages. Build two tudors and one cottage. Sell one tudor. Buy an empty lot. Build a stone mason. Add stone walls to 3 cottages. Upgrade both tudors to 2 stars. Buy the last empty lot. Build a tudor. Sell this tudor when you have between £90,000-110,000.
Level 14 - Goals: Own 1 Well, sell 2 houses, own 3 Crop Farms upgraded with 1 star, rental income of £3,000. Demolish the rundown cob. Build two tudors and sell them. Buy two empty lots or two rundown cops as soon as possible. If you purchase the rundown cobs, demolish them.
Build three crop farms. Upgrade those farms to 1 star. Train 1 worker. Build a well.
Level 15 - Goals: Own 2 stone walled Country Houses, own 3 Cottages upgraded with 2 stars, own 1 service, rental income of £20,000. Build two country houses and sell one. Demolish the rundown cob, but restore the rundown cottage. Buy three empty lots when they are up for sale. Build one country house and two cottages. Build a stone mason. Upgrade your three cottages with 2 stars. Add stone walls to your country houses. Build a wind mill.
Level 16 - Goals: Own 1 Quarry, own 5 Country Houses, no rundown houses in the neighborhood, neighborhood happiness of +30. Demolish all of your rundown houses. Build 1 country house and sell it. Build 5 country houses. Purchase and restore the remaining three rundown houses. Train 1 worker. Upgrade all of your eight houses to 3 stars. Build a quarry.
Level 17 - Goals: Own 3 Livestock Farms, own 1 Workshop, employ 6 farmers, money: £500,000. Build and sell 2 country houses. Buy three empty lots and one rundown houses as soon as possible. Train 4 farmers and 2 workers. Build 3 livestock farms. Demolish the rundown house when you have purchased it. Build and sell two country houses. Build a workshop.
Level 18 - Goals: Own three 3-star Country Houses, own 2 stone walled Livestock Farms, no sick workers. Build 2 country houses and sell one. Buy empty lots whenever possible. Build 2 country houses. Upgrade your three country houses to 3 stars. Train 2 workers. Build 2 livestock farms. Build a stone mason. Add stone walls to your livestock farms.
Level 19 - Goals: Own 1 Garden, own 4 stone walled Tudors, own 2 services, neighborhood happiness of +50. Sell the country house. Build 3 tudors. Upgrade your tudors to 3 stars. Buy 4 empty lots as soon as they are up for sale. Build a fourth tudor. Upgrade the fourth tudor to 3 stars. Build a stone mason. Add stone walls to 4 tudors. Demolish the stone mason. Build 2 wind mills. Build a garden.
Level 20 - Goals: Own 1 Apothecary, own 2 Farms, own 5 Country Houses upgraded with 2 stars, employ 12 workers. Build two country houses and sell them. Build four more country houses. Train 2 workers. Upgrade 4 country houses to 2 stars. Buy three empty lots as soon as possible. Build a fifth country house and upgrade it to 2 stars. Buy the rundown house and demolish it. Build 2 crop farms. Build an apothecary. Train 5 workers.
Level 21 - Goals: Own 1 Workshop, own 1 Quarry, neighborhood happiness of +55, rental income of £35,000. Build and sell a country house. Build a quarry. Buy all empty lots whenever possible. Build 2 country houses, 2 cottages, 2 tudors and 2 cobs. Upgrade all your eight houses to 3 stars. Buy and demolish the three rundown houses Build a stone mason. Add stone walls to your houses except for 1 country house. Demolish the stone mason. Build a workshop.
Level 22 - Goals: 6 stone walled houses, own three 3-star Country Houses, £750,000 in cash.
Build a quarry. Sell your country house. Demolish the cottage. Build 4 country houses. Buy 4 empty lots quickly. Build two tudors. Build a stone mason. Train 3 workers. Add stone walls to all six houses. Upgrade three country houses to 3 stars. Build two country houses and sell them.
Level 23 - Goals: Own 2 Mansions, employ 16 workers, own 10 Farms, neighborhood happiness of +60. Build a quarry and a country house. Demolish your rundown house. Sell the country house. Train 2 workers. Build a mansion and sell it. Buy all empty lots and rundown houses quickly. Build 2 mansions. Demolish all rundown houses. Build a workshop. Train 9 workers. Demolish the workshop. Buy and demolish three cobs as soon as possible. By now you should have nine empty lots. Build nine crop farms. Demolish the quarry. Build a tenth farm. Upgrade one mansion to 3 stars and one mansion to 2 stars.
Level 24 - Goals: Own 1 Tax Office, rental income of £50,000, £1,000,000 in cash, no rundown houses in the neighborhood. Build a quarry. Build and sell a mansion. Buy the empty lot as soon as possible. Train 2 workers. Build 2 mansions. Buy 4 cobs, two of them rundown, quickly. Demolish 4 cobs. Build a tax office. Build one mansion and sell it. Buy one rundown country house and two rundown mansions as soon as possible. Build one mansion. Upgrade two mansions to 1 star. Build one mansion and sell it.
Level 25 - Goals: Own 1 stone walled Mansion, own 5 Tudors upgraded with 3 stars, own 5 Livestock Farms upgraded with 3 stars, no sick workers or farmers. Build a quarry. Build and sell a mansion. Buy 3 rundown houses, 2 cobs and 2 cottages as soon as possible. Demolish these houses immediately after the purchase. Build 1 mansion. Build a stone mason. Add stone wall to the mansion. Demolish the stone mason. Build five tudors. Upgrade tudors to three stars. Build five livestock farms. Train 8 farmers. Upgrade five livestock farms to 3 stars. Upgrade tudors and farms simultaneously.
Level 26 - Goals: Own 1 Blacksmith, own 7 stone walled houses, own 1 amusement, £1,250,000 in cash. Build a quarry. Build a mansion and sell it. Buy all empty lots as soon as possible, except for one. Build 1 mansion, 2 country houses and 2 tudors. Demolish your cob. Build a stone mason. Add stone walls to 7 houses. Build a pub. Train 1 worker. Build a blacksmith. Build 2 mansions and sell them.
Level 27 - Goals: Own 1 Quarry, own 1 Stone Mason, own 5 Crop Farms upgraded with 4 stars, own 8 cobs. In this level it is important to earn money by selling two mansions early on. Except for those mansions you sold you should possess all lots sooner or later. Build a quarry to begin with. Build 2 mansions and sell them. Demolish your two rundown houses. Build 5 crop farms. Train 12 farmers. Upgrade 5 crop farms to 3 stars. Build a stone mason. Add stone walls to your crop farms. Upgrade crop farms to 4 stars. Demolish tudors and cottages. Build cobs until you have eight.
Level 28 - Goals: Own four 5-star Livestock Farms, employ 20 workers, employ 20 farmers, own 1 Pub. Build a mansion and sell it. Build a quarry. Build a workshop. Demolish your three houses. Train 3 workers. Build four livestock farms. Build a mansion and sell it. Buy empty lots and rundown houses quickly. Train 6 farmers. Begin to upgrade the livestock farms. Build a stone mason. Demolish rundown houses which you have eventually purchased by now. Add stone walls to livestock farms. Train 8 farmers. Build a mansion and sell it.Upgrade livestock farms to 5 stars. Train 10 workers. Build a pub. If you notice you might get under time pressure with regards to farm upgrading, don't hesitate to train more farmers.
Level 29 - Goals: Own 1 Apothecary, own 3 services, rental income of £100,000, no empty lots in the neighborhood. Build a quarry. Build a mansion and sell it. Demolish your houses. Build a workshop. Train 6 workers. Build 4 mansions. Buy 5 empty lots as soon as possible. Upgrade 4 mansions to 3 stars. Build 1 apothecary. Build a blacksmith. Build a well. Build 3 cobs.
Level 30 - Goals: Neighborhood happiness of +100. Demolish your rundown houses. Build a quarry. Build 2 mansions and sell them. Build a stone mason. Buy all rundown houses and empty lots whenever you can afford to. Demolish two rundown cottages. Build 7 cobs. Train 3 workers. Upgrade 7 cobs to 3 stars and add stone walls to them. Restore the remaining rundown houses you are purchasing. Upgrade two tudors and one country house to 3 stars and add stone walls. Demolish the quarry and the stone mason.
Level 31 - Goals: Own 1 Tax Office, own 5 stone walled mansions, own 5 stone walled country houses, own 5 stone walled tudors. Demolish a cob. Build a quarry. Demolish all your houses. Build 3 mansions. Purchase all lots except for the country house whenever you can afford to. Build a tax office. Build 2 more mansions. Demolish all cobs and cottages that you purchase. Restore the rundown tudor. Build a stone mason. Build 2 tudors. Build 4 country houses. Train 3 workers. Add stone walls to your houses. Demolish the quarry. Build a country house and add a stone wall to it.
Level 32 - Goals: Own 1 Theatre, own 12 houses, own 2 services, £1,500,000. In this level it is of major importance to acquire buildings with low ball offers or at least "less" offers whenever possible. Build a mansion and sell it. Build a quarry. Buy all empty lots and houses as soon as possible. Build a country house. Build a mansion. Build 2 tudors. Build a mansion and sell it. Build a country house. Build a mansion. Build a blacksmith. Build a windmill. Build a theatre. Demolish the quarry. Build and sell a mansion. Wait one or two rent cycles to reach the required amount of money.
Level 33 - Goals: Own 4 buildings, employ 25 workers, own 1 Pub, neighborhood happiness of +80. In the end you have to possess all lots except for 2 mansions you are going to sell. Buy every empty lot, rundown or normal house as soon as possible. Build a mansion and sell it. Build a quarry. Restore your mansion and sell it. Restore all your other houses.Build a workshop. Build a stone mason. Altogether you need nine 3-star houses and two 2-star houses with stone walls to reach the happiness goal. Train 9 workers. Restore every rundown house you purchase. Upgrade 9 houses to 3 stars, 2 houses to 2 stars, and add stone walls to 11 houses. Demolish one cob. Build a pub. Build a second workshop. Train 7 workers.
Level 34 - Goals: Own 6 Cobs, own 6 Cottages, rental income of £45,000, own one 5-star Livestock Farm. Build and sell a mansion. Build a quarry. Build and sell a mansion. Buy every other house and empty lot in the course of this level. Build a livestock farm. Build a stone mason. Add stone wall to the livestock farm. Demolish the stone mason. Demolish all tudors, including those which you have eventually purchased by now. Build 2 mansions. Train 8 farmers. Upgrade the livestock farm to 5 stars. Build 3 cobs and 4 cottages. Demolish the quarry. Build a sixth cottage. Upgrade one mansion to 1 star, and the other mansion to 2 stars.
Level 35 - Goals: Own 1 Carpenter, inspect 8 houses, no rundown houses, rent: £120,000. Restore and sell your mansion. Build a quarry. Buy all rundown houses when they are up for sale. Restore your country house. Build a carpenter. Build a mansion and sell it. Restore the mansion, country houses and tudors you purchase. Demolish rundown cobs and cottages. Begin to inspect 8 houses. Train six workers. Build 8 mansions.
Level 36 - Goals: 4 Palaces, own 3 amusements, money: £2,000,000. Build a quarry. Demolish all your houses. Build and sell a palace. Build 4 more palaces. Sell one palace. Buy and demolish 3 tudors and one rundown country house. Build a pub, a garden and a theatre. Build a palace. Demolish the quarry. Build a palace and sell it.
Level 37 - Goals: Own 9 stone walled houses, own 5 Crop Farms upgraded with 5 stars. Build a quarry. Build and sell a palace. Buy all empty lots quickly, if possible with low ball offers. Build a workshop. Train 6 workers and 12 farmers. Demolish the workshop. Build a mansion and a palace. Build 5 crop farms. Build a stone mason. Build two country houses, 2 tudors and one cottage. Add stone walls to all farms. Upgrade 5 farms to 5 stars. Add stone walls to all houses. Purchase the palace you sold in the beginning as soon as possible. Demolish the quarry. Build a cob and add stone walls to it. When you have purchased the palace add a stone wall to it. Put your own palace up for sale to increase the odds that the second one will be up for sale, too.
Level 38 - Goals: Own 9 Crop Farms, Own 9 Livestock Farms, neighborhood happiness of +300. Build and sell a palace. Build a quarry. Build a workshop. Build 2 palaces. Build a blacksmith. Build a stone mason. Train 3 workers. Train 18 farmers. Demolish the workshop. Build 6 livestock farms. Build 7 crop farms. Add stone walls to all 13 farms. Upgrade all 13 farms to 5 stars simultaneously. After that demolish both palaces, but be sure to have around £500,000. Build two crop farms. Add stone walls to them. Upgrade both crop farms to 5 stars. Demolish the quarry. Build a livestock farm. Add a stone wall to it and upgrade it to 1 star. Demolish the blacksmith and the stone mason. Build two livestock farms.
Level 39 - Goals: Own 5 stone walled Palaces, own 5 Farms, rental income of £250,000, neighborhood happiness of +80 Build a quarry. Buy and demolish a cob. Build and sell a mansion. Buy a house(cob, tudor or cottage) and demolish it. Build and sell a palace. In the course of this level you should buy and demolish 10 houses, but only cheaper ones such as cobs, cottages or tudors. Build three palaces. Train six workers. Build 2 palaces. Build a stone mason. Begin to upgrade palaces and add stone walls to them. Build four crop farms. Add stone walls to crop farms. Train six workers. Upgrade all 5 palaces to 3 stars. Demolish the quarry. Build a fifth crop farm.
Level 40 - Goals: Own 1 Theatre, Own 1 Garden, £3,000,000 in cash, own 16 houses. In this level you need every lot to succeed in the end. Demolish a cob. Build a palace and sell it. Demolish your other cobs. Build a quarry. Build a workshop. Buy all houses except for 2 palaces as soon as possible. Build a blacksmith. Train 9 workers. Demolish the workshop. Demolish tudors and cottages that you eventually purchase. Demolish the rundown mansion when you purchase it. Build six palaces. Upgrade six palaces to 3 stars. Restore rundown country house when you purchase it. Build three more palaces when you have purchased and demolished the remaining tudors and cottages. Upgrade three new palaces to 1 star.Buy and restore the rundown palace. Demolish quarry and blacksmith. Build a garden. Build a theatre. Buy the last palace with a low ball offer. Collect the required amount of money.
Level 41 - Goals: Own 1 Abbey, own 4 services, own 15 stone walled houses, neighborhood happiness of +150. Build a palace and sell it. Build a quarry. Build a stone mason. Build a palace. Demolish one of your cobs. You have to purchase all empty lots and houses except for the palace you sold. Restore rundown houses which you eventually purchase. Build a blacksmith. Begin to add stone walls to all houses and upgrade them. Build an Abbey. When you have added stone walls to 15 houses demolish the stone mason. Build a wind mill and a well. Demolish the quarry. Build an apothecary. Continue to upgrade houses until you reach +150 happiness.
Level 42 - Goals: Own 5 Livestock Farms upgraded with 5 stars, employ 50 farmers, own one 3-star Mansion, 15 empty lots. Build and sell a palace. Demolish the cottages and the tudor. Build a quarry. Buy all lots and cheaper houses as soon as possible. Demolish every house you purchase. Build a workshop. Train 9 workers. Build and sell a palace. Build a blacksmith. Begin to train farmers. Build 8 palaces. Upgrade 8 palaces to 3 stars. Build a stone mason. Build 5 livestock farms. By now you should have around 30 farmers. Add stone walls to 5 farms. Upgrade farms to 5 stars. Continue to train farmers until you have 50. Demolish the workshop. Buy the two palaces as soon as you can afford to. Build a mansion. Upgrade the mansion to 3 stars. Demolish all palaces. Demolish the quarry. Demolish the stone mason. Demolish the blacksmith. If there is still a house left to purchase, do so and demolish it.
Level 43 - Goals: Own 1 Tax Office, £10,000,000 in cash, neighborhood happiness of +175.
Demolish a cob. Build and sell a palace. Demolish a cob and a tudor. Buy a house and demolish it. Build a quarry and a workshop. Buy another cob or cottage and demolish it. Demolish your country house and your mansion. Build a blacksmith. Build a stone mason. Build a palace, add a stone wall to it, upgrade it to 3 stars and sell it. Train 9 workers. Buy and demolish more houses. Start training farmers.Build two palaces and two livestock farms. Build two more palaces. Upgrade four palaces to 3 stars and add stone walls to them. Add stone walls to 2 livestock farms. Continue to train farmers and to buy and demolish houses. Build two more palaces, upgrade them to 3 stars and add stone walls. Build a third livestock farm and add stone walls to it. By now you should have around 30 farmers. Train 3 workers. Upgrade 3 livestock farms to 5 stars. Build a tax office. Build an abbey. Demolish the workshop and the quarry.Build four more livestock farms and add stone walls to them. Upgrade two of those livestock farms to 2 stars. Sell one or two palaces to reach the required amount of money.
Level 44 - Goals: No empty lots in the neighborhood, rental income of $750,000, own one 5-star Crop Farm, own one 5-star Livestock Farm. Build a country house and sell it. Buy all empty lots as soon as possible. Build a mansion and sell it. Build a quarry. Build a palace and sell it. Build a workshop. Train 11 workers. Demolish the workshop. Build 15 palaces. Build a stone mason. Begin to upgrade the palaces. Purchase the 3 houses you sold in the beginning when you can afford to. Demolish the country house. Build a livestock farm. Train 21 farmers. Add stone walls to the livestock farm. Demolish the quarry. Build a crop farm and add stone walls to it. Upgrade both farms to 5 stars. You need twelve 3-star palaces, two 2-star palaces, as well as one mansion and one palace without upgrades to reach the required rental income.
Level 45 - Goals: Own 4 services, own 4 buildings, own 4 amusements, £35,000,000 in cash.
Build and sell a palace. Demolish a rundown country house. Build a quarry. Buy all lots except for the palace you sold as soon as possible. Demolish your other two rundown houses and all houses you will eventually purchase. Build a workshop. Train 9 workers. Build a blacksmith. Build a palace and sell it. Build a tax office. Begin to build palaces on every lot. In the end there should be one blacksmith, one workshop, one quarry, one tax office, the two palaces you sold, and 16 palaces which you currently own. Upgrade all 16 palaces to 3 stars. Purchase the two palaces you sold in the beginning with low ball offers when you can afford to. Upgrade both palaces to 3 stars. As soon as you have around £11,000,000 you should start to demolish 8 palaces. Build one building, three services, and four amusements. When you have around £16,500,000 you can start to sell your remaining 9 palaces.


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