Remember the good old days of casual gaming, when every other title wasn't a hidden object challenge, but rather Zuma-style marble-popper? The gang at developer Enkord obviously does, as the company has channeled its creativity into making Svetlograd - which clearly falls into the latter category - the most gloriously bonus- and destructible environment-laden title of its kind. Nonetheless, as hands-on play reveals, the approach tends to favor quantity over quality, ultimately leaving the outing a solid, if not truly eye-opening genre entry.
According to the briefly-introduced storyline, you own the eponymous city from which the game derives its name. For a time, all is prosperous and well. Then come the imps who suddenly invade, hassling the population and stealing the wealth they've amassed. Enter your newly-built cannon, and an adventure that sees you reclaiming your lost treasures while defending the settlement's walls from future incursions.
If the setup sounds a bit familiar, that's because so are most other elements of the escapade. The game primarily pays homage to standard genre conventions, though it also smartly adds support for destructible props (such as tree stumps and crystals) that affect your ability to aim and yield score-boosting goodies when removed. Read more...