Just when you thought you'd sewn your last garment, affixed your last ribbon and collected your last tip from a trend-conscious customer, along comes Vogue Tales to prove that fashion-themed time management games are still lingering on the casual game scene like last year's Spring collection on the sale rack.
The story, which unfolds as a series of colorful comic book-style panels, is basically a mash-up of several common time management game themes. Wendy, who is apparently a budding seamstress, receives a present from her Grandma on her 18th birthday that contains important trade secrets to be passed down. But before she can open the gift, thieves snatch it and run off. Wendy tracks the thieves to London, Paris and Florence to get the gift back while working in clothing shops to afford the next plane ticket. And somewhere along the way there's a fashion show too.
The story becomes even less coherent in light of the fact that English is obviously not developer Nevosoft's native tongue. Expect to encounter lines like "Well now, I am completely broken, and the tickets are expensive." Another thing initially threw me for a loop is that Wendy's entourage includes two life-like walking and talking mannequins, whom she refers to as her "dummies" - it took me a while to figure out that she wasn't just insulting two of her friends.Read more...