LittleBigPlanet 2
Farm Frenzy 3: Madagascar - Walkthrough
Walkthrough: Levels 1-10
Level 1
Goals: 20 eggs and 5 guineas
Time Limits: Gold – 1:20, Silver – 2:20
Stars for completion – 50, Silver – 100, Gold – 150
1. Buy 4 guineas for a total of 7.
2. Water grass as needed.
3. Collect eggs until you have 20.
Gold at 1:10.
Level 2
Goals: 10 eggs, 4 guineas, 300 coins and 3 powdered eggs
Time Limits: Gold – 1:40, Silver – 2:40
Stars for completion – 100, Silver – 200, Gold – 300
1. Buy the Egg Powder Plant.
2. Start it with the first egg and keep it going.
3. Collect eggs.
4. Cage and sell the orangutan and 1 powdered egg.
5. When the vehicle returns, buy a hen.
6. Cage and warehouse the orangutan.
7. Sell the powdered egg and orangutan.
8. As soon as you have 10 eggs, sell the guineas and orangutan.
Gold at 1:37.
Level 3
Goals: 5 eggs, 2 cookies, and 5 hens
Time Limits: Gold – 2:00, Silver – 3:00
Stars for Completion – 150, Silver – 300, Gold – 450
1. Buy a guinea and the Egg Powder Plant.
2. Water grass only once.
3. As soon as you have the first egg, start the Egg Powder Plant.
4. Cage and sell the first orangutan.
5. Cage and sell the next 2 orangutans.
6. Buy the Cookie Bakery and start it.
7. Sell the next orangutan and one egg powder.
8. Sell the first cookie.
9. Buy 3 guineas as soon as the vehicle returns.
Gold at 1:52.
Level 4
Goals: 4 cakes, 500 coins, and 5 flour
Time Limits: Gold – 2:40, Silver – 3:40
Stars for Completion – 450, Silver – 900, Gold – 1350
1. Buy a hen and water the grass.
2. Cage and sell the orangutans.
3. Start the Egg Powder Plant with the first egg.
4. As soon as you have 4 eggs, sell the guineas.
5. Buy 5 flour.
6. Cage and sell the orangutans and buy the Cake Bakery.
7. Keep warehousing orangutans.
8. Sell a cake and an orangutan twice.
9. Finish the cakes as fast as possible without blowing up the Cake Bakery.
Gold at 2:33 – 2:35.
Level 5
Goals: 10 powdered eggs, 10 cookies, 10 cakes
Time Limits: Gold – 3:40, Silver – 4:40
Stars for Completion – 100, Silver – 200, Gold – 300
1. Water the grass.
2. Start the Egg Powder Plant with the first egg.
3. Cage and sell orangutans.
4. Buy 1 flour.
5. As soon as you have at least 10 eggs, sell the guineas.
6. Keep caging and selling orangutans.
7. Buy 9 more flours.
8. Sell cakes and orangutans.
9. Upgrade the warehouse, then the vehicle.
10. As soon as you have the coins from selling the orangutans and cakes, upgrade the Egg Powder Plant, then the Cake Bakery.
11. Start the 6th cake before the truck returns with the money to upgrade the Cake Bakery, or you won’t haven enough time to get gold.
12. Finish the powdered eggs, cookies, and cakes.
Gold at 3:29 – 3:33.
Level 6
Goals: 20 guineas, 8 powdered eggs, 6 cookies, and 4 cakes
Time Limits: Gold – 4:30, Silver – 5:30
Stars for Completion – 150, Silver – 300, Gold – 450
1. Buy 2 guineas.
2. Water the grass.
3. Cage and warehouse as many orangutans as you can; cage the rest; they won’t hurt the buildings when they break out.
4. Sell the orangutans.
5. Buy 5 flour.
6. Buy the Cake Bakery.
7. Make and sell cakes, and sell the orangutans as you have room on the truck.
8. Upgrade the warehouse and truck.
9. Keep making and selling cakes and orangutans.
10. Buy 3-4 more flour.
11. Buy the Incubator.
12. Incubate eggs one at a time.
13. Sell cakes and buy guineas.
14. Keep incubating eggs, selling cakes, and buying guineas until you have 20.
Gold at 3:50 – 4:00.
Level 7
Goals: 20 powdered eggs, 40 eggs, and 1000 coins
Time Limits: Gold – 4:00, Silver – 5:00
Stars for Completion – 200, Silver – 400, Gold – 600
1. Buy a guinea.
2. Water the grass.
3. Start the Egg Powder plant with the first 2 eggs and keep it going with 2 eggs at a time.
4. Cage and sell the orangutans.
5. Sell the first 4 cookies.
6. Upgrade the warehouse.
7. Buy 2 more guineas and 10 flour.
8. Make cakes.
9. Cage and sell orangutans.
10. Sell cakes and orangutans.
11. Keep making and selling cakes until you have 1000 coins.
12. Finish collecting the eggs and making the powdered eggs.
Gold at 3:30 – 3:35.
Level 8
Goals: 15 cookies, 20 eggs, and 15 guineas
Time Limits: Gold – 4:00, Silver – 5:00
Stars for Completion – 250, Silver – 500, Gold – 750
1. Buy 2 guineas and the Egg Powder Plant.
2. Buy 3 flour.
3. Start the Egg Powder Plant with the first 3 eggs.
4. Start the Incubator with the next egg.
5. Keep the Incubator going.
6. Make cakes.
7. Cage and sell the orangutans and cakes.
8. Upgrade the warehouse and the truck once.
9. Buy 3 more flours.
10. Keep incubating, and making and selling cakes and orangutans.
11. Upgrade the Cookie Bakery as soon as you have enough coins.
12. Keep collecting eggs.
13. Sell cakes and any extra cookies.
14. Finish making the cookies.
15. Buy extra guineas if you don’t have a total of 15 when the cookies are finished.
Gold at 3:18 – 3:25.
Level 9
Goals: 16 cakes, 10 flours, and 2000 coins
Time Limits: Gold – 6:00, Silver – 7:00
Stars for Completion – 200, Silver – 400, Gold – 600
1. Buy a guinea.
2. Incubate the first 2 eggs.
3. Start the Egg Powder Plant with the next 2 eggs.
4. Make and sell 2 cookies.
5. Refill the well.
6. Buy 5 flours.
7. Cage and warehouse the orangutans and sell them.
8. Cage the rest of the orangutans; they won’t hurt the buildings when they break out.
9. Incubate 2 more eggs for a total of 5 guineas.
10. Buy a total of 11 more flours.
11. Make and sell cakes.
12. Upgrade the warehouse and the vehicle.
13. Upgrade the Cake Bakery.
14. Keep making and selling cakes until you have 2000 coins.
15. Finish making the cakes.
Gold at 5:00.
Level 10
Goals: 30 guineas, 30 eggs, and 5 cakes
Time Limits: Gold – 3:20, Silver – 4:20
Stars for Completion – 750, Silver – 1500, Gold – 2250
1. Buy 3 guineas and 5 flours.
2. Start the Egg Powder Plant with the first egg.
3. Incubate the second egg.
4. Keep the Incubator going.
5. Keep the Egg Powder Plant going until you have a total of 5 eggs in process to make a total of 5 cakes.
6. Sell the cakes and the extra eggs.
7. Upgrade the warehouse once.
8. Cage and warehouse the orangutans.
9. Sell cakes and orangutans.
10. Upgrade the Incubator and keep it going with 2 eggs at a time.
11. Finish making the cakes.
12. Sell cakes and extra eggs.
13. Buy 6-7 guineas; this should give you a total of 30.
Gold at 3:00.
Walkthrough: Levels 11-20
Level 11
Goals: 20 cakes and 2 feathers
Time Limits: Gold – 6:30, Silver – 7:30
Stars for Completion – 300, Silver – 600, Gold – 900
1. Buy a guinea.
2. Incubate the first egg.
3. Start the Egg Powder Plant with the second egg.
4. Make a cookie and sell it.
5. Let the dogs get the first set of orangutans.
6. Incubate 2 eggs.
7. Buy 2 flours.
8. Start and keep the Egg Powder Plant going with 2 eggs at a time.
9. Make 2 cakes and sell them.
10. Buy 8 flours.
11. Keep making and selling cakes.
12. Upgrade the warehouse and truck.
13. Buy 10 more flours.
14. Cage and warehouse the orangutans.
15. Sell cakes and orangutans.
16. As soon as you have 1000 coins, buy an ostrich.
17. Finish making the cakes and collect the feathers.
Gold at 5:10 – 5:20.
Level 12
Goals: 16 cakes, 20 eggs, 25 guineas, and 1 ostrich
Time Limits: Gold – 5:00, Silver – 6:00
Stars for Completion – 650, Silver – 1300, Gold – 1950
1. Buy 2 guineas and the Egg Powder Plant.
2. Buy 4 flours.
3. Start the Egg Powder Plant and incubate one egg.
4. Cage and warehouse the orangutans and sell them.
5. Make and sell cakes and orangutans.
6. Upgrade the warehouse once.
7. Incubate eggs 2 at a time until you have approximately 15 guineas.
8. Keep making and selling cakes and orangutans.
9. Buy a total of 12 more flours.
10. Upgrade the Egg Powder Plant once and make cakes 2 at a time.
11. Upgrade the truck once.
12. As soon as you have 1000 coins, buy an ostrich.
13. Sell the ostrich and cakes.
14. Keep making cakes as fast as possible.
15. Finish cakes and buy the rest of the guineas.
Gold at 4:30.
Level 13
Goals: 30 powdered eggs, 10 cakes, and 2000 coins
Time Limits: Gold – 5:00, Silver – 6:00
Stars for Completion – 650, Silver – 1300, Gold – 1950
1. Buy 2 guineas and the Egg Powder Plant.
2. Incubate 2 eggs.
3. Cage and warehouse the orangutans.
4. Sell a feather and orangutans.
5. Warehouse the rest of the orangutans.
6. Start the Egg Powder Plant with 4 eggs and keep it going.
7. Sell feathers and orangutans.
8. Upgrade the warehouse once.
9. Buy a total of 10 flours.
10. Buy the Cake Bakery.
11. Make cakes.
12. Sell cakes, feathers, extra powdered eggs, and orangutans.
13. Upgrade the Egg Powder Plant and Cake Bakery once.
14. Keep selling cakes, feathers, powdered eggs and orangutans until you have 2000 coins.
15. Finish making the cakes.
Gold at 4:30.
Level 14
Goals: 5 feathers, 5 eggs, 5 guineas, and 15 cakes
Time Limits: Gold – 3:40, Silver – 4:40
Stars for Completion – 500, Silver – 1000, Gold – 1500
1. Buy 4 guineas and 8 flours.
2. Cage, warehouse, and sell the orangutans.
3. Upgrade the warehouse once.
4. Start and keep the Egg Powder Plant going with 4 eggs at a time.
5. Make cakes 4 at a time.
6. Sell cakes and orangutans.
7. Upgrade the truck once.
8. Buy 8 more flours and another guinea.
9. As soon as you have 1000 coins, buy an ostrich.
10. As soon as you have enough eggs in process to make the total of 15 cakes, sell the guineas.
11. Keep making and selling cakes.
12. Buy 2 more ostriches.
13. Finish making cakes and collecting the feathers.
Gold at 3:10.
Level 15
Goals: 10 cakes and 50 eggs
Time Limits: Gold – 5:30, Silver – 6:30
Stars for Completion – 500, Silver – 1000, Gold – 1500
1. Buy 2 guineas, the Egg Powder Plant, and the Cake Bakery.
2. Incubate the first 2 eggs.
3. Start the Egg Powder Plant.
4. Keep incubating eggs.
5. Cage and sell the orangutans.
6. Upgrade the warehouse once.
7. Sell orangutans and extra guineas. Keep at least 5 guineas on the farm to produce eggs.
8. Buy the Cake Bakery and 10 flours.
9. Keep selling orangutans and extra guineas.
10. Make cakes as fast as possible and sell them.
11. Upgrade the Egg Powder Plant, Cookie and Cake Bakeries as you have the coins.
12. Finish making the cakes.
Gold at 4:45 – 5:00.
Level 16
Goals: 2 colored feathers, 5 guineas, 8 cakes, and 10 feathers
Time Limits: Gold – 4:20, Silver – 5:20
Stars for Completion – 750, Silver – 1500, Gold – 2250
1. Buy 10 eggs and 10 flours.
2. Upgrade the warehouse and the vehicle once.
3. Make 5 cakes and 5 guineas.
4. Cage and warehouse the orangutans.
5. Sell cakes and the orangutans.
6. Buy an ostrich.
7. Buy 10 flours.
8. Keep making and selling cakes 5 at a time.
9. Buy the Feather Factory.
10. Sell cakes and colored feathers.
11. At each 1000 coins, buy another ostrich until you have a total of 4.
12. Sell the guineas.
13. Finish cakes and collect feathers.
Gold at 3:45.
Level 17
Goals: 2 decorations, 15 cookies, 2000 coins, and 20 eggs
Time Limits: Gold – 3:20, Silver – 4:20
Stars for Completion – 1000, Silver – 2000, Gold – 3000
1. Buy 5 guineas.
2. Buy 12 flours.
3. Upgrade the warehouse once.
4. Start the Egg Powder Plant with 3 eggs.
5. Incubate 2 eggs.
6. Alternate sending eggs to the Plant and to the Incubator.
7. Make and sell cakes and extra guineas.
8. Upgrade the truck and buy 6 more flours.
9. Sell cakes and extra guineas.
10. Buy an ostrich.
11. Keep selling cakes and guineas.
12. Start the Feather Factory as soon as you have the first feather.
13. Buy the Decoration Factory as soon as you have 2000 coins and start it.
14. Make the decorations.
Gold at 3:15.
Level 18
Goals: 20 feathers, 10 colored feathers, 5 decorations, and 1 costume
Time Limits: Gold – 7:20, Silver – 8:20
Stars for Completion – 500, Silver – 1000, Gold – 1500
1. Make 10 cookies and sell them.
2. Buy an ostrich.
3. Make cookies.
4. Sell cookies and feather.
5. Buy 10 flours.
6. Upgrade the warehouse once.
7. Make cakes and sell them.
8. Upgrade the truck once.
9. Buy the Feather Factory. *Note: The Feather Factory is in the middle; be careful not to click on the bottom or top factory.
10. Make colored feathers.
11. Sell cakes and colored feathers.
12. Buy flour as needed.
13. Buy another ostrich.
14. Buy the Decoration Factory.
15. Buy 1 cloth.
16. Make cakes and decorations and sell them.
17. Buy the Costume Factory.
18. Make the costume.
19. Finish the colored feathers and decorations.
Gold at 6:45.
Level 19
Goals: 20,000 coins, 1 costume, 1 cake, and 10 feathers
Time Limits: Gold – 4:00, Silver – 5:00
Stars for Completion – 2400, Silver – 4800, Gold – 7200
1. Buy 1 guinea and 2 ostriches.
2. Buy 1 flour and 4 cloths.
3. Upgrade the warehouse and the vehicle once.
4. Make 1 cake.
5. Make costumes.
6. Sell the cake, costumes, and guineas.
7. Keep making and selling costumes and extra feathers until you have 5000 coins.
8. Cage and warehouse the orangutans but don’t sell them.
9. Buy the Dressing Room.
10. Dress one orangutan at a time and sell them.
11. Upgrade the truck to max.
12. Sell the dressed orangutans, ostriches, and any extra costumes, decorations, and feathers until you have 20,000 coins.
Gold at 3:45.
Level 20
Goals: 6 costumes and 20 cakes.
Time Limits: Gold – 4:30, Silver – 5:30
Stars for Completion – 1000, Silver – 2000, Gold – 3000
1. Buy 3 ostriches and 3 cloths.
2. Upgrade the warehouse and truck once.
3. Cage and warehouse the orangutans.
4. Start the Feather Factory with the first feather.
5. As soon as you have 6 feathers, sell the ostriches.
6. Buy 3 more cloths.
7. Make costumes and dress the orangutans.
8. Sell dressed orangutans and extra orangutans.
9. As soon as the last feather is started, buy 10 guineas. Replace them if the orangutans toss them.
10. Buy 20 flours.
11. As soon as the last feather is finished, buy the Cake Bakery and upgrade it to max.
12. Upgrade the vehicle to max.
13. As soon as the last decoration is finished, buy the Cookie Bakery and upgrade it to max.
14. When the last costume is made, buy the Egg Powder Plant and upgrade it to max.
15. Make cakes as fast as possible.
Gold at 4:00.
Walkthrough: Levels 21-30
Level 21
Goals: 50,000 coins, 10 eggs, 10 feathers, and 5 ostriches
Time Limits: Gold – 5:40, Silver – 6:40
Stars for Completion – 2550, Silver – 5100, Gold – 7650
1. Buy 1 cloth.
2. Upgrade the warehouse and vehicle once.
3. Cage and warehouse the orangutans.
4. Start the Feather Factory with the first feather and keep it going.
5. If the orangutans toss a guinea, buy another one.
6. Dress an orangutan and sell it.
7. Upgrade the warehouse and vehicle again.
8. Upgrade the plane twice and buy 6 cloths.
9. Make powdered eggs.
10. Make costumes and dress the orangutans.
11. Sell the dressed orangutans and powdered eggs.
12. Upgrade the Dressing Room.
13. Buy 4 more cloths.
14. Buy 4 ostriches.
15. Sell the guineas with dressed orangutans as soon as you have 10 eggs total.
16. Upgrade the truck to max and sell the dressed orangutans, ostriches, and any extra products you have to reach 50,000 coins.
Gold at 4:35.
Level 22
Goals: 10 colored feathers, 15 decorations, 20 costumes, and 40 cakes
Time Limits: Gold – 8:30, Silver – 9:30
Stars for Completion – 650, Silver – 1300, Gold – 1950
1. Buy an ostrich.
2. Sell 5 guineas.
3. Start the Egg Powder Plant with 5 eggs and keep it going.
4. Buy 5 flours.
5. Start the Feather Factory with the first feather.
6. Make 5 cakes and sell them.
7. Upgrade the warehouse once.
8. Cage and sell the orangutans.
9. Buy 10 more flours.
10. Make cakes and sell them.
11. Buy 2 cloths.
12. Keep buying flours and cloths; make cakes and costumes and sell them.
13. Cage and warehouse the orangutans; sell them as you have room on the truck.
14. As you have the money:
a. Upgrade the warehouse,
b. Buy 2 more ostriches,
c. Upgrade the Feather Factory, Decoration Factory, and Costume Factory.
15. Sell guineas when the cakes are finished.
16. Finish making the costumes.
Gold at 7:45.
Level 23
Goals: 4 ostriches and 20 colored feathers
Time Limits: Gold – 4:30, Silver – 5:30
Stars for Completion – 900, Silver – 1800, Gold – 2700
1. Sell 5 guineas.
2. Buy 10 flours.
3. Upgrade the warehouse once.
4. Make 5 cakes and sell them.
5. Buy an ostrich.
6. Start the Feather Factory as soon as you have one feather.
7. Make 5 more cakes and sell them.
8. Buy another ostrich.
9. Make decorations.
10. Sell 5 cookies.
11. Buy 10 flours.
12. Sell cakes and decorations.
13. Buy 2 more ostriches.
14. Make colored feathers 3 at a time, and as fast as possible.
15. Sell cakes, decorations, and guineas.
16. Keep making colored feathers as fast as possible.
17. Upgrade the feather factory.
18. Finish making colored feathers.
Gold at 4:25.
Level 24
Goals: 20 decoration, 5 cakes, and 2 tusks
Time Limits: Gold – 5:00, Silver – 6:00
Stars for Completion – 1150, Silver – 2300, Gold – 3450
1. Sell the first tusk.
2. Upgrade the warehouse and vehicle once.
3. Buy 1 guinea and 5 flours.
4. Sell buffalo and the second tusk.
5. Buy 5 ostriches.
6. Buy the Egg Powder Plant and upgrade it.
7. Make colored feathers and decorations 4 at a time.
8. Make powdered eggs.
9. Sell decorations.
10. As soon as you have 5 eggs, sell the guineas and decorations.
11. As soon as you have enough feathers to finish the 20 decorations, sell the ostriches.
12. Finish the decorations as fast as possible.
13. Buy the Cookie and Cake Bakeries and upgrade them to max.
14. Make the cakes.
Gold at 4:30.
Level 25
Goals: 20 costumes, 20 cakes, 20 feathers, and 1 buffalo
Time Limits: Gold – 5:30, Silver – 6:30
Stars for Completion – 1500, Silver – 3000, Gold – 4500
1. Buy 5 ostriches and 5 guineas.
2. Upgrade the vehicle and warehouse twice.
3. Buy 10 flours and 5 cloths.
4. Buy the Cake Bakery and upgrade it once.
5. Make and sell costumes and cakes.
6. Cage, warehouse, and sell the orangutans as you have room on the truck.
7. Buy 10 more flours.
8. Buy cloths as you have the coins.
9. Upgrade the Cake Bakery to max.
10. Make cakes and costumes and sell them.
11. As soon as you have 10,000 coins, buy a buffalo.
Gold at 4:30.
Level 26
Goals: 5 buffalo, 10 horns, 10 costumes, and 10 cakes
Time Limits: Gold – 5:00, Silver – 6:00
Stars for Completion – 2850, Silver – 5700, Gold – 8550
1. Upgrade the warehouse and truck once.
2. Buy 10 flours and 2 cloths.
3. Cage and warehouse all of the orangutans.
4. Make a costume and dress an orangutan.
5. Sell the dressed orangutan.
6. Upgrade the warehouse and truck once more.
7. Upgrade the plane once and buy 6 more cloths.
8. Keep dressing orangutans and selling them.
9. As soon as you have enough feathers in process to finish the costumes, sell the ostriches.
10. As soon as you have 10,000 coins, buy a buffalo.
11. As soon as the colored feathers are finished, buy the Egg Powder Plant and upgrade it to max.
12. When the decorations are completed, buy the Cookie Bakery and upgrade it to max.
13. When the costumes are done, buy and max upgrade the Cake Bakery.
14. Keep dressing and selling orangutans.
15. Make cakes and sell them.
16. Each time you have 10,000 coins, buy a buffalo until you have 5 total.
17. Collect the tusks.
Gold at 4:35.
Level 27
Goals: 30,000 coins, 5 guineas, 5 ostriches, and 10 costumes
Time Limits: Gold – 11:00, Silver – 12:00
Stars for Completion – 3000, Gold – 9000, Silver – 6000
1. Buy a guinea.
2. Make cookies.
3. Cage, warehouse and sell orangutans throughout the level.
4. Buy another guinea and 5 flours.
5. Make cakes and sell them.
6. Buy 2 more guineas.
7. Upgrade the warehouse once.
8. Keep making and selling cakes.
9. As soon as you have 1000 coins, buy an ostrich.
10. Keep making and selling cakes.
11. Buy another ostrich.
12. Buy 2 cloths.
13. Make costumes and cakes and sell them.
14. Buy 3 more ostriches.
15. Sell the guineas and cakes.
16. Make and sell costumes as fast as possible.
Gold at 9:00.
Level 28
Goals: 2 polished tusks, 5 buffalo, and 10 costumes
Time Limits: Gold – 3:40, Silver – 4:40
Stars for Gold – 6750, Silver – 4500, Completion – 2250
1. Sell 3 ostriches.
2. Upgrade the warehouse and truck once.
3. Buy 2 cloths.
4. Cage and warehouse the orangutans.
5. Make the first 2 costumes.
6. Dress the orangutans and sell them.
7. Buy a buffalo and 8 cloths.
8. Keep making costumes, and dressing and selling orangutans.
9. Buy the Grinding Factory and upgrade it once.
10. Make the 2 polished tusks.
11. Sell the dressed orangutans, polished tusks, and tusks.
12. Buy 4 more buffalo.
Gold at 3:20.
Level 29
Goals: 2 sample tusks, 10 costumes, and 2 buffalo
Time Limits: Gold – 4:30, Silver – 5:30
Stars for Silver – 5000, Gold – 7500, Completion – 2500
1. Make a polished tusk and sell it.
2. Buy an ostrich.
3. Upgrade the warehouse once and truck twice.
4. Make another polished tusk and sell it, and buy another ostrich.
5. Buy 2 cloths.
6. Make another polished tusk.
7. Buy an ostrich.
8. Start making colored feathers 3 at a time.
9. Buy a total of 8 more cloths.
10. Cage and warehouse the orangutans, and sell them as you have room on the truck.
11. Sell polished tusks and costumes.
12. Buy the Manufacturing Plant.
13. Make 2 sample tusks.
14. Sell costumes, sample tusks, and tusks until you have 10,000 coins.
15. Buy another buffalo.
Gold at 3:30.
Level 30
Goals: 6 sample tusks, 10 tusks, and 15 feathers
Time Limits: Gold – 5:10, Silver -6:10
Stars for Completion – 3500, Silver – 7000, Gold – 10,500
1. Buy a buffalo.
2. Cage, warehouse, and sell the orangutans.
3. Upgrade the warehouse once.
4. Sell more orangutans.
5. If the orangutans toss the buffalo, restart the level.
6. Make and sell sample tusks.
7. Buy a total of 3 ostriches.
8. Make sample tusks one at a time.
9. Collect tusks and feathers.
Gold at 3:50.
Walkthrough: Levels 31-40
Level 31
Goals: 2 souvenirs, 2 costumes, 8 feathers, and 4 tusks
Time Limits: Gold - 3:20, Silver – 4:20
Stars for Completion – 3000, Silver – 6000, Gold – 9000
1. Sell one ostrich.
2. Upgrade the warehouse and truck once.
3. Make sample tusks.
4. Cage, warehouse, and sell the orangutans.
5. Buy 2 varnishes.
6. As soon as you have 4 tusks and at least 8 feathers, sell the buffalo and the ostriches.
7. Buy the Feather, Decoration, and Costume Factories.
8. Buy the Souvenir Factory and make the souvenirs.
9. Buy 2 cloths and make the costumes.
10. Upgrade the costume factory to make it produce faster.
Gold at 3:10.
Level 32
Goals: 1 mega cake, 2 souvenirs, 2 cakes, 2 costumes
Time Limits: Gold – 4:00, Silver – 5:00
Stars for Completion – 7500, Silver – 15,000, Gold – 22,500
1. Buy a buffalo.
2. Make a sample tusk and polished tusk as fast as possible and sell them.
3. Buy 3 ostriches and 2 guineas.
4. Buy 2 varnishes and 2 flours.
5. Upgrade the truck and warehouse once.
6. As soon as the buffalo produces 2 more tusks, sell the buffalo.
7. As soon as you have 3 feathers and 2 eggs, sell the ostriches and guineas.
8. Make 2 souvenirs.
9. Buy 2 cloths.
10. Make 3 decorations, then 2 costumes.
11. Sell the extra souvenir.
12. Buy the Cake Factories and make cakes one at a time.
13. Buy a curd.
14. Sell the costumes.
15. Buy the Mega Cake Factory.
16. Make the mega cake and the last cake.
Gold at 3:45.
Level 33
Goals: 10 souvenirs, 10 cakes, and 10 costumes
Time Limits: Gold – 6:30, Silver – 7:30
Stars for Completion – 3500, Silver – 7000, Gold – 10,500
1. Start 1 tusk in the Polishing Factory and sell the second one.
2. Buy 10 varnishes and 10 flours.
3. Upgrade the warehouse and truck once.
4. Make souvenirs and sell them one at a time.
5. Buy 2 ostriches and 2 guineas.
6. Cage, warehouse, and sell the orangutans throughout the level.
7. As soon as you have at least 10 tusks, sell the buffalo.
8. Buy the Costume Factories and upgrade them once.
9. Keep making and selling souvenirs.
10. Buy 10 cloths.
11. Make costumes 2 at a time.
12. As soon as you have 10 eggs and at least 10 feathers, sell the ostriches and guineas.
13. As soon as the Feather Factory is finished, buy the Cake Bakery and upgrade it to max.
14. When the Decoration Factory is done, buy the Cookie Bakery and max upgrade it.
15. When you finish making the costumes, buy the Egg Powder plant and upgrade it to max.
16. Make the cakes.
Gold at 6:00
Level 34
Goals: 6 mega cakes, 15 eggs, 15 feathers, and 50,000 coins
Time Limits: Gold – 6:30, Silver – 7:30
Stars for Completion – 8250, Silver – 16,500, Gold – 24,750
1. Buy 2 buffalo, 3 ostriches, and 3 guineas.
2. Upgrade the well.
3. Buy the Cake Bakeries, and Feather and Decoration Factories and upgrade them all once.
4. Upgrade the plane once.
5. Upgrade the truck and warehouse to max.
6. Buy 6 flours and 6 varnishes.
7. Start and run the Egg Powder and Feather Factories with 2 eggs and 2 feathers at a time.
8. Cage and warehouse the orangutans; if they toss a buffalo, restart the level. If they toss an ostrich or guinea, replace them.
9. Sell tusks and orangutans.
10. As soon as you have 6 cakes, buy the Souvenir Factories and make souvenirs one at a time.
11. As soon as you have 15 eggs and feathers, sell the ostriches and guineas.
12. Sell extra tusks.
13. Buy a curd, then the Mega Cake Factory, as you have the coins.
14. Make a mega cake and sell it and extra tusks.
15. Buy a total of 5 more curds.
16. Finish souvenirs and make the mega cakes one at a time.
17. Sell the mega cakes and buffalo until you have 50,000 coins.
18. Finish the mega cake.
Gold at 5:30.
Level 35
Goals: 10 decorations, 5 buffalo, 5 mega cakes, and 20 souvenirs
Time Limits: Gold – 7:50, Silver – 8:50
Stars for Completion – 4000, Silver – 8000, Gold – 12,000
1. Upgrade the warehouse and truck once.
2. Make colored feathers as fast as possible and sell them.
3. Upgrade the warehouse and truck to max.
4. Keep making and selling colored feathers.
5. Buy 2 costumes.
6. As soon as you have at least 10 more colored feathers, sell the ostriches. Don’t sell the feathers.
7. At about 2:30, orangutans attack; cage and warehouse all of them.
8. Dress 2 of them and sell them.
9. Upgrade the plane and buy as many costumes as you can.
10. Dress and sell orangutans as fast as possible.
11. Buy 3 buffalo.
12. Buy 20 varnishes and 5 flours.
13. Make 20 souvenirs; sell 15 of them.
14. Buy the Decoration Factory and upgrade it to max; make 10 decorations.
15. Buy the Cake Bakeries and upgrade them to max.
16. Buy 5 curds and make the cakes.
17. Make the mega cakes and sell them.
18. Buy 2 more buffalo.
Gold at 7:40.
Level 36
Goals: 6 mega cakes, 12 costumes, 20 eggs, and 12 souvenirs
Time Limits: Gold – 6:50, Silver – 7:50
Stars for Completion – 9250, Silver – 18,500, Gold – 27.750
1. Buy 2 buffalo, 3 ostriches, and 5 guineas.
2. Buy 5 flours and 20 varnishes.
3. Upgrade the truck and warehouse twice.
4. Cage, warehouse, and sell the orangutans throughout the level.
5. Buy the Cake Bakeries and upgrade them once.
6. Make souvenirs and sell them.
7. Make 6 cakes, and keep collecting eggs.
8. As soon as you have the 6 cakes, buy the Costume Factories and upgrade them once.
9. Keep selling souvenirs.
10. As soon as you have 20 eggs, sell the guineas.
11. Buy a total of 12 cloths as you have the coins.
12. Make costumes and sell them.
13. Be sure to keep 6 souvenirs in the warehouse.
14. Buy the mega cake bakery.
15. Sell extra sample tusks, polished tusks, and tusks.
16. Buy as many curds as you can.
17. Make and sell mega cakes.
18. Keep making decorations and costumes.
19. Finish the costumes and mega cakes.
Gold at 6:00.
Level 37
Goals: 5 uncut diamonds, 40 souvenirs, 20 costumes, and 100,000 coins
Time Limits: Gold – 9:30, Silver – 10:30
Stars for Completion – 4500, Silver – 9000, Gold – 13.500
1. As soon as the elephant stomps out the diamond, sell it.
2. Upgrade the plane and buy 3 bamboo.
3. Upgrade the warehouse and truck to max.
4. Buy 2 ostriches.
5. Keep selling uncut diamonds and buying bamboo.
6. As soon as you have 10,000 coins, buy a buffalo.
7. Buy 10 varnishes.
8. Sell uncut diamonds, and buy 2 more buffalo.
9. Make and sell souvenirs.
10. As soon as you have the money, buy the Costume Factories and upgrade them once; keep upgrading later as you have the coins.
11. Sell the ostriches when you have at least 20 feathers.
12. Upgrade the Souvenir Factories as you have the coins.
13. Sell uncut diamonds, souvenirs, and costumes until you have 100,000 coins.
God at 8:45.
Level 38
Goals: 1 uncut diamond, 20 mega cakes, 25 eggs, and 25 feathers
Time Limits: Gold – 7:30, Silver – 8:30
Stars for Completion – 10,250, Silver – 20,500, Gold – 30.750
1. Upgrade the well once.
2. Upgrade the warehouse and truck to max.
3. Buy 20 flours.
4. Water – water – water!!
5. Make 20 cakes and 20 decorations 5 at a time.
6. Sell the tusks.
7. Cage, warehouse and sell the orangutans as you have room on the truck.
8. As soon as you have the 25 eggs and 25 feathers, sell the guineas and ostriches.
9. Buy 20 varnishes.
10. Buy the Souvenir Factories and upgrade them once.
11. Buy curds twice.
12. Upgrade the plane as you have extra coins.
13. Make souvenirs as fast as possible.
14. Make and sell mega cakes.
15. Buy enough curds to make a total of 20 mega cakes.
16. As soon as you have 50,000 coins, buy an elephant.
17. Pick up the uncut diamond and finish the mega cakes.
Gold at 7:00.
Level 39
Goals: 30 souvenirs, 100,000 coins, 5 guineas, and 5 buffalo
Time Limits: Gold – 6:40, Silver – 7:40
Stars for Completion – 5000, Silver – 10,000, Gold – 15.000
1. Upgrade the warehouse to max and the truck twice.
2. Buy 5 cloths.
3. Cage and warehouse all of the orangutans.
4. Make 5 costumes and sell them.
5. Keep making costumes.
6. Upgrade the plane and buy 10 more cloths.
7. Sell the next 5 costumes.
8. When you have enough feathers to make 15 more costumes (total of 25), sell the ostriches.
9. Make all the decorations and buy the Dressing Room; upgrade it once.
10. Buy enough cloths to finish making the costumes. Buy a total of 6 buffalo as you have the coins.
11. Dress orangutans two at a time and sell them.
12. Buy 30 varnishes.
13. Buy 5 guineas and sell them.
14. Make souvenirs as fast as possible; upgrade the factories as soon as you have the coins.
15. Sell dressed orangutans and souvenirs.
16. When you have 70,000 coins, sell the buffalo.
17. Finish the souvenirs.
Gold at 6:20.
Level 40
Goals: 10 mega cakes, 15 eggs, 15 feathers, 15 tusks
Time Limits: Gold – 4:30, Silver – 5:30
Stars for Completion – 5000, Silver – 10,000, Gold – 15,000
1. Upgrade the warehouse and truck twice.
2. Buy 10 varnishes.
3. Make 10 souvenirs.
4. Cage, warehouse and sell orangutans as you have room on the truck throughout the level.
5. As soon as you have 15 feathers, sell the ostriches and 4 buffalo.
6. Make at least 10 decorations.
7. Buy 5 guineas.
8. Buy the Mega Cake Factory.
9. Buy 10 cakes.
10. Buy curds as needed.
11. Make the mega cakes.
12. Collect eggs. As soon as you have 15 eggs, sell the guineas and the eggs.
13. Sell any extra tusks and feather items you have to help buy the curds.
14. Sell the mega cakes and upgrade the Mega Cake Factory as you have the coins.
Gold at 4:00.
Walkthrough: Levels 41-50
Level 41
Goals: 2 diamonds and 50,000 coins
Time Limits: Gold – 4:10, Silver – 5:10
Stars for Completion – 7000, Silver – 14,000, Gold – 21,000
1. Upgrade the warehouse and truck to max.
2. Sell tusks until you have 30,000 coins.
3. Cage and warehouse the orangutans; sell them as you have room on the truck.
4. Sell the buffalo.
5. Buy an elephant.
6. Buy 1 or 2 bamboo.
7. Buy the Gemstone Factory and make 2 diamonds.
Gold at 3:20.
Level 42
Goals: 2 diamond rings, 10 eggs, 10 feathers, and 10 tusks
Time Limits: Gold – 4:40, Silver – 5:40
Stars for Completion – 9000, Silver – 18.000, Gold – 27,000
1. Upgrade the vehicle and warehouse to max.
2. Buy 10 varnishes and 2 guineas.
3. Sell the first tusk and upgrade the warehouse.
4. Cage and warehouse orangutans.
5. Make and sell souvenirs.
6. Buy costumes.
7. Dress and sell the orangutans.
8. Buy 2 ostriches.
9. Sell dressed orangutans and souvenirs until you have at least 50,000 coins. Buy an elephant.
10. Buy bamboo and 2 gold.
11. Buy the Gemstone Factory.
12. Finish collecting feathers and eggs.
13. Make 2 diamond rings.
Gold at 4:30.
Level 43
Goals: 2 games, 2 elephants, and 10 souvenirs
Time Limits: Gold – 4:50, Silver – 5:50
Stars for Completion – 22,500, Silver – 45,000, Gold – 67,500
1. Sell a tusk.
2. Upgrade the warehouse twice.
3. Make sample tusks and sell them.
4. Buy 10 varnishes.
5. Upgrade the warehouse and truck to max.
6. Make and sell 10 souvenirs.
7. Make and sell about 5 more sample tusks.
8. Sell the buffalo.
9. Buy an elephant.
10. Upgrade the plane and buy 2 designs, 2 gold bars, and 5 bamboo.
11. Buy the Game Factory.
12. Make 2 games and sell them.
13. Sell the uncut and cut diamonds until you have 50,000 coins.
14. Buy another elephant.
Gold at 4:45.
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