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Journey of Hope

Journey of HopeJade Pearce has grown up in the shadow of her father, a world famous archeologist. When he turns up missing, though, it's up to her to find him before it's too late. Since Jade's beauty and intelligence will only get her so far, she needs your help finding and deciphering the trail of clues her father left in his desperate wake. Explore exotic locations, find hidden objects and solve clever puzzles in this breathtaking journey toward the unknown! From locating the staff of Montezuma to stealing the armor of Cortez, you won't know where this adventure is taking you until the final screen!

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here, and you'd be well-advised to stay away from this game, too. What can one say about Journey of Hope, the new hidden object game from MechLab and Alawar? It's ridiculously easy. It's ridiculously short. It's about as much of a journey as walking down to your corner store for a loaf of bread and, to carry the witticism just a little bit further, I sure hope you didn't pay any money for it. Before we go too far down the path of hopelessness, let me clarify that Journey of Hope isn't really bad in any particular way. The game's graphics are bright and clear, and the soundtrack is actually quite relaxing and enjoyable. Of course, if we're already talking about the music, then it's probably safe to assume that I'm really reaching for nice things to say. That assumption would be right on the money. Where did it all go wrong? My first inkling of trouble came very near the start of the game, after I'd finished the opening hidden object scene in about 11 seconds. Hopeful (there I go again!) that it was just a tutorial of sorts to help ease players into the action, I moved on to the next level, and the next, with each blowing by in record time. Either I'd experienced a very sudden and exponential increase in my searching skills or this game was placing large, colorful objects into relatively small, unobscured locations, not so much hiding them as, well, making sure they're easy to find and within convenient reach. Read more...


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