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Lost Lagoon: The Trail of Destiny

Lost Lagoon: The Trail of DestinyJustify FullWake up on a deserted tropical beach with no memory of who you are, surrounded by the remains of a hot air balloon. Who are you and why are you there? Slowly, you start to remember. Yes, you found an old map of this island that had been sent to you by your grandfather. But, how could this be? He disappeared so many years ago…


It's tough to make a standout hidden object game these days, as it seems like a new one comes out every three and a half minutes. There's nothing actually wrong with Lost Lagoon: The Trail of Destiny, but everything it does has been done better by another game, probably twice. It's a perfectly competent, utterly adequate, and thoroughly forgettable game.

The game begins when your hot air balloon crashes on an apparently deserted island and you, still groggy from the knock on your head, awaken to realize you have no idea who you are or what you're doing there. You quickly find a map that leads you to believe that you were headed to that island on purpose, and head off into the jungle to start putting the pieces of your memory back together. This involves visiting a few attractively drawn locations, such as a native hut, the beach, and the jungle path, and scouring them for a laundry list of items. Read more...


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